In VASP, one can use I_CONSTRAINED_M to constrain local magnetic moments to a certain direction in SOC calculations. However, this comes at the cost of adding an energy penalty to the total energy. According to the manual, $$E_{total} = E_0 + E_p,$$ where $E_0$ is the usual DFT energy, and $E_p$ represents the penalty.
In the OUTCAR file, VASP displays the final energy of the energy. For example:
free energy TOTEN = -1028.40851797 eV
energy without entropy= -1028.40851657 energy(sigma->0) = -1028.40851727
Separately, in the OSZICAR file, we get:
DAV: 122 -0.102840853816E+04 -0.67812E-07 -0.35816E-08 2076 0.658E-04
1 F= -.10284085E+04 E0= -.10284085E+04 d E =-.138799E-05 mag= 13.9005 -0.9568 0.9552
E_p = 0.39341E-04 lambda = 0.900E+01
ion lambda*MW_perp
1 0.12835E-02 0.15811E-04 0.16821E-01
where E_p
is the energy penalty $E_p$.
My question is simple: Does $E_{OUTCAR}$, the energy in OUTCAR (e.g., energy(sigma->0)
) include $E_p$? My understanding is that the energy of the system I should use should be: $ E = E_{OUTCAR} - $E_p
(as the penalty is added to the total energy). However, to me, it is not clear from the manual whether $E_{OUTCAR}$ is $=E_{total}$ or $={E_0}$.
To try and determine the answer myself, I calculated all possibilities for various $\lambda$ (which affects $E_p$): $E = E_{OUTCAR}, E = E_{OUTCAR} - $E_p
, and $E = E_{OUTCAR} + $E_p
. My reasoning is that the true energy would be the same for all lambda after properly treating E_p
. But the differences between all three cases for all lambda are very small, making this test inconclusive.
So, could someone clarify how exactly VASP incorporates the penalty energy into the calculation output? I still think that $E = E_{OUTCAR} - $E_p
makes the most sense, as the manual suggests the output energy already incorporates $E_p$. But I did not see it mentioned explicitly.
If anyone could verify this for me, I would be very appreciative!