An excellent answer to this question was provided here, and arose immediately with this Google search.
Numerical gradients
Derivatives of energies with respect to a nuclear coordinate can be calculated numerically by calculating two energies, then calculating the difference between them and dividing the result by the difference in the nuclear coordinate values. This means that the cost of doing a derivative calculation, is only two times the cost of doing an energy calculation, and therefore does not change the power $p$ in the $O(N^p)$ notation, in which $N$ is basically the number of electrons (see the first link that I provided for more details about what $N$ is). This procedure will be repeated many times if you have a lot of nuclear coordinates and want the gradient, and if you want to try different "finite difference" sizes and seek convergence with respect to that parameter, but this does not affect the $O(N^p)$ cost based on the way that you asked the question, with basically the number of electrons being the "size of the system". If you want the $O(N^p M^q)$ cost, in which $N$ is basically the number of electrons and $M$ is the number of nuclear coordinates, then it's a different question, which we can also answer if you post that question next.
Numerical Hessians
If you use one of the formulas for "second order" derivatives found here, then the cost becomes "three times" the original cost, rather than "two times" the original cost, so everything that I said about the power not changing for gradients, is also true for Hessians.
Analytic and automatic derivatives
If you want analytic derivatives, it might cost a bit more than just "two times" or "three times" the original cost, but the advantages over the above-described numerical derivatives, would be that you don't have to do the above procedure for each nuclear coordinate change, and you don't have to repeat the calculation for different "finite difference" step sizes in order to get numerical convergence. The power is unlikely to change though, and certainly the power wouldn't change if you were to use automatic derivatives.
If you plot the cost of the energy, gradient, and Hessian calculations with respect to the cube of the number of electrons, you will theoretically get three straight lines with different slopes, which indicates that the $O(N^p)$ cost is the same for these three types of calculations, but the pre-factors that are hidden under the $O()$ are different. Practically (not theoretically), you would have to take into account the details that were explained in the first link that I provided.