I am currently trying to simulate a large box of QM/MM water molecules with SPC/Fw model and GGA DFT functional (a cube of 40 angstrom sides). To validate the QM and MM simulations separately, I am testing a pure MM box of same dimensions with SPC/Fw model, and I was trying to set the LJ and coulomb cutoff length. I am using CP2K software and pairwise-style cutoff. By the conventions I should set the cutoff to <1/2 of smallest box dimension (~19 angstroms). But I encountered these two papers about this issue for liquid water:
Liquid water simulation: A critical examination of cutoff length
The Origin of Layer Structure Artifacts in Simulations of Liquid Water
both published in 2006, which suggests that larger cutoff lengths can lead to "layering" and other artifacts in pure water simulations. Elsewhere, I can find papers which suggest to keep the cutoff length to 9-12 angstroms (as discussed here: Rule-of-thumb for Morse potential cutoff in molecular dynamics?). So my question is: Does it makes sense then to limit cutoffs till 12 angstroms? And are there any significant issues particularly for QM/MM simulations?
For more details on the QM/MM setup: I am using an additive QM/MM system with electrostatic embedding.