I am trying to determine the optical properties of bulk Aluminium and related alloys using Quantum ESPRESSO. I am using both the epsilon.x and the simple.x modules to get wavelength-dependent dielectric functions. However, when comparing to experimental data, the results are not in good agreement, even trying to adjust the inter and intra-smearing parameters. I simulated and compared the results for Gold and Silver alloys with no major problems (results agreed very well with the experimental ones), but with the Aluminium, I faced lots of difficulties. In the literature I found
From a convergence study on the dielectric function, we decided to employ an interpolation k-grid of 64x64x64 and η = γ = 0,1 eV in SIMPLE for each elemental metal considered, with the exception of elemental aluminum for which, because of very slow convergence of ε_inter with respect to k-point sampling...
Are there any other options beyond increasing the k-sampling and the number of unoccupied bands, to achieve better results?