I am looking for software that can calculate the first-order non-adiabatic coupling vector $$\vec \tau_{ij}=\langle \varphi_i|\nabla_R\varphi_j\rangle$$ between excited electronic singlet states using DFT/TDDFT. The software I am aware of(Gaussian, Turbomole, Dalton<-I'm not 100% sure about this one, Molpro only MSCF/CI), are either limited to calculations for transitions between electronic ground and excited state or don't feature DFT/TDDFT(Bagel).
Does someone know a program/software that features the calculation of non-adiabatic coupling vectors between excited states, using DFT/TDDFT? Or is there perhaps a fundmental reason why this combination cannot be used?
The application are small organic molecules < 100 atoms, no solids or crystals.
It seems that the commercial software Q-CHEM can calculate nonadiabatic coupling vectors also between excited states, using TDDFT or spin-flip TDDFT. But It would be good to have at least one free/non-commercial alternative.