I am implementing the computation of Gibbs energies by their molecular parameters (structure, frequencies) in my program Chemcraft (the main task is the possibility to cut small frequencies which produce big errors in the vibrational entropy). The rotational entropy of nonlinear molecule is computed in RRHO approximation as follows:
$$S_\text{rot} = R\left(\ln\left(\frac{2^\frac{9}{2}\pi^\frac{7}{2}(kt)^\frac{3}{2}(I_{xx}I_{yy}I_{zz})^\frac{1}{2}}{h^3\sigma}\right)+\frac{3}{2}\right)$$
Here sigma is the symmetry number, depending on the point group. I don’t understand what this value means. At one textbook I found that $\sigma$ is $2$ for $C_2$ symmetry and $1$ for $C_i$ or $C_s$ symmetry; $5$ for $C_5$, $C_{5v}$, $C_{5h}$, $S_{10}$ symmetry and $10$ for $D_5$, $D_{5d}$, $D_{5h}$ symmetry. Is this true?
I find these formulas slightly strange. For example, if we have a benzene molecule with $D_{6h}$ symmetry, we can compute its entropy; but if we alter a coordinate of one atom with $0.000001$Å, the symmetry lowers to $C_1$ and the entropy becomes different (I verified this with Gaussian). Don’t you find this strange?
I like to talk about physics on physics.stackexchange.com, and I have a feeling that the thermodynamics is rather a philosophy, not a science (this is related to the $S=k\ln(W)$ formula where it is not fully clear what means the $W$).
So, my question is: maybe it will be useful if I add the option “Do not use the symmetry number” in Chemcraft? This option will compute the rotational entropy without the $\sigma$.