I am working on the charge transport calculation, based on the non-equilibrium green function method, for the Hamiltonian with the non-orthogonal basis. Suppose $H$ and $S$ are the Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian and overlap matrice respectively. I want to calculate the transport conductance for the following equation. $$I=\frac{e_{0}}{\hbar}\int\frac{dE}{2\pi}Tr[{\Sigma}_{\textrm{left}}G^{R}{\Sigma}_{right}G^{A}][n_L(E)-n_R(E)]$$ ${\Sigma}_{left}$ and ${\Sigma}_{right}$ are the self energy for left and right leads; $G^{R}$ and $G^{A}$ are retarded and advanced green function for the scattering zone and they are written as the following equation. $$G^{R}=\left[(i+\varepsilon_{Fermi}) \times S - H - ({\Sigma}_{left}+{\Sigma}_{right}) \right]^{-1}$$.
I cannot compute the trace through multipling ${\Sigma}_{left}G^{R}{\Sigma}_{right}G^{A}$ with the eigen vector because I only have the eigen vector for the whole system; not for the scattering zone.
This is why I need to compute the inverse matrix. I am trying to use ZGETRF and ZGETRI subroutines in the MKL library to compute it; however, I find that ZGETRF function, the LU fraction subroutine, gives matrix with zero value on the diagonal part and this makes the following inverse matrix calculation fails with ZGETRI function.
When doing the coding for the non-equilibrium green function (NEGF) method, how does one compute such matrix for the non-orthogonal Hamiltonian system? Is there any subroutine to compute the inverse matrix of the complex matrix? Would anyone please give me some hints?
Thank you in advance.