This python script will read the logfile from the scan and generate the corresponding gaussian input files.
import numpy as np
import sys as sys
import typing as typing
class Coordinates:
def __init__(self, natoms:int, coords:list, atoms:list) -> None:
self.natoms = natoms
self.coords = coords
self.atoms = atoms
def Gaussian_writeCOM(scanpoint:float, identifier:str, coordinates: Coordinates) -> None:
with open("coord.{:0.0f}.com".format(scanpoint), "w") as comWriter:
comWriter.write("%mem = 16GB\n%nprocs = 12\n%chk = {}.{:0.0f}.chk\n".format(identifier, scanpoint))
comWriter.write("# mp2/cc-pvtz scf = qc\n")
comWriter.write("single-point energy of {} at {:0.0f}\n".format(identifier, scanpoint))
comWriter.write("0 1\n")
for index, coord in enumerate(coordinates.coords):
comWriter.write(" {:<10s}{:15.5f}{:15.5f}{:15.5f}\n".format(coordinates.atoms[index], coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]))
identifier = sys.argv[1]
logFile = sys.argv[2]
nAtoms = sys.argv[3]
initScan = sys.argv[4]
nPoints = sys.argv[5]
stride = sys.argv[6]
with open(logFile) as log:
fullData = log.readlines()
initscan = float(initScan)
strideValue = float(stride)
npoints = int(nPoints)
natoms = int(nAtoms)
scanPoints = np.arange(initscan, initscan + (strideValue * npoints), strideValue)
coordObjects = []
atoms = []
# First find the atom names
for lnumber, line in enumerate(fullData):
if "Symbolic Z-matrix:" in line:
atomData = fullData[lnumber+2 : lnumber+2+natoms]
for atomline in atomData:
atomline = atomline[0:2].split()[0]
# Now read the coordinates
for lnumber, line in enumerate(fullData):
if "Input orientation" in line:
coordData = fullData[lnumber+5 : lnumber+5+natoms]
if "Stationary point found" in line:
coords = []
for line in coordData:
line = line.split()
coord = [float(x) for x in line[3:]]
coordObject = Coordinates(natoms=natoms, coords=coords, atoms=atoms)
for index, coordObject in enumerate(coordObjects):
scanPoint = scanPoints[index]
Gaussian_writeCOM(scanpoint=scanPoint, identifier=identifier, coordinates=coordObject)
You will need to provide the total number of scan points as the input. Rest of the keywords are self-explanatory. Please change the route section to match your needs.
? I would think this would be enough to get it print polarizability for each scan step (actually I had though the polarizability and dipole were printed by default even withoutPolar
). $\endgroup$