My question is regarding a medium-to-large DLPNO-UCCSD(T)-F12 calculation.
I have a ~250 electron system, an open-shell molecule inside a water droplet, and I'm trying to get the total energy, first using the default SCF and PNO settings:
!DLPNO-CCSD(T)-F12 cc-pVTZ cc-pVTZ/C cc-pVTZ-F12-CABS RIJCOSX NormalSCF NormalPNO PModel
%maxcore 14000
%palnprocs 32
%base "dlpno"
It am running it on 2 nodes, to get close to the ~500 GB of ram I've seen in used for similar very similar clusters, except those were closed-shell ([arXiv][1], [arxiv][2])
I don't know if the calculation is just stuck and wasting compute resources, or if it is actually still working. I know these calculations can take a while but with NormalSCF/NormalPNO and cc-pVTZ my intuition is that it would have been done by now.
The last thing written on my output is:
3-index local transformation (OBS_F,OBS/AUX) for op=2 ... done ( 16.8 sec)3-index local transformation (OBS_F,CABS/AUX)for op=2 ... done ( 51.4 sec)------------------------UHF DLPNO F12 CORRECTION------------------------Doing SCF density matrices ... done ( 0.1 sec)Calculating RI Coulomb operators Retrieving the Coulomb fitting basis ... done .... OBS/OBS done ( 0.9 sec)
This is after --- The CCSD iterations have converged ---STARTING F12 INTEGRAL TRANSFORMATIONS...
and then what you see in the block. The thing is, this part was reached yesterday morning so I'm really beginning to give up with this.
Do you have any advice?
Good news is: I have DLPNO-UMP2/def2-QZVPPD energies with TightSCF and TightPNO, but would like to go higher to DLPNO-CCCSD(T). There is no DLPNO-MP2-F12 implemented in ORCA for open-shells though.
As always, thank you very much for any suggestions!
[1]: N. Sylvetsky, J.M.L. Martin "Energetics of (H$_2$O)$_{20}$ Isomers by means of F12 Canonical and Localized Coupled Cluster Methods" (2020):
[1]: G. Santra, et al, "Is valence CCSD(T) enough for the binding of water clusters? The isomers of (H$_2$O)$_6$ and (H$_2$O)$_{20}$ as a case study" (2023):