I am trying to run some geometry optimizations in ORCA 5.0.4 and I am using the UseSym
keyword to ensure that my molecules retain Cs Symmetry during optimization. The molecule that returns the error:
[file orca_tools/Tool-Symmetry/symmain.cpp, line 1318]: Error (ORCA_SYM): TMoleculeSymmetry::ConstructSALCs failed to find appropriate number of SALCs!
is 4-Fluoroimidazole. From what I understand (I am not good at C++), UseSym
runs the script symmain.cpp
and provides the initial xyz coordinates of my input file to the ConstructSALCs
class of the TMoleculeSymmetry
If the provided, initial coordinates are not symmetrical (or well aligned) enough within a certain margin of error, then ORCA cannot find a small enough number of "Symmetry Adapted Linear Combinations" for the molecule and the following determination of the point group fails.
This would mean that my initial coordinates are poorly pre-optimized and need to be made more symmetrical in line with the Cs point group. But the analogous molecules of 4-Chloro-, 4-Bromo- and 4-Iodoimidazole work just fine. Could it be that because Fluorine is the smallest, that this somehow affects the margin of error of the SALC determination?
I have checked the initial coordinates of Fluorimidazole and it looks pretty planar to me :
Both of these are in orthographic projection.
Here's the input file:
# 4-Fluoroimidazol-1-ide
# FC1=C[N-]C=N1
# Use B3LYP
# Use Becke-Johnson Dampening
# Use 4 CPU cores
# Run an iterative geometry optimization job
# Make detailled output file
# Let ORCA choose auxilliary basis sets
! B3LYP D3 PAL4 Opt LARGEPRINT autoaux UseSym
%maxcore 1500 # Maximum memory in MB per core
RI on # use the RI approximation
# Basis set specifications
%basis basis "aug-cc-pVDZ" # General spec: aug-cc-pVDZ
newGTO Zn "aug-cc-pVDZ-PP" end # except for Zn-atoms: aug-cc-pVDZ-PP
newECP Zn "SDD" end # use Stuttgart-Dresden ECPs for Zinc
newGTO Br "aug-cc-pVDZ-PP" end # except for Br: aug-cc-pVDZ-PP
newECP Br "SDD" end # use Stuttgart-Dresden ECPs for Br
newGTO I "aug-cc-pVDZ-PP" end # except for I: aug-cc-pVDZ-PP
newECP I "SDD" end # use Stuttgart-Dresden ECPs for I
# Insert xyz coords
*xyz -1 1
F -1.920669 -1.239155 0.561931
C -0.775487 -0.574040 0.365338
C -0.664744 0.708473 -0.109333
N 0.652798 1.017049 -0.164707
C 1.317493 -0.077197 0.274888
N 0.453454 -1.062887 0.604201
H -1.457650 1.379842 -0.396591
H 2.394805 -0.152085 0.352006
What parameter can I toggle in ORCA to make the SALC determination less sensitive to distorted geometries? Is it another reason entirely?
EDIT: I forgot to be more explicit: The optimization ran fine for 5 cycles. It crashes on cycle number 6. Did it just randomly reach a geometry from which the SALCs algorithm fails and crashes the calculation? Do just need more RAM?