Referring to previous questions asked here, I would like to pose a more general question about the calculation of ΔE(S1-T1) for organic molecules with the software Gaussian16.
In particular, I have seen that the most spread methodology, showed to be better than simple TD-DFT, is TDA-DFT. Consequently, I have used an input file like this:
# opt M062X/6-311g* TDA=(singlet,root=1,nstates=6) scrf=(solvent=dichloromethane) Geom=AllCheck int=ultrafine Nosymm
0 1
to calculate the state S1, while I used exactly the same (but with the TDA=triplet keyword) to calculate the T1 state. From these, I extract the difference in energy.
I understand that this methodology is particularly important when the Franck-Condon approximation can't be used anymore, thus allowing for the optimization of each state.
Having said that, is this correct or one should use a different methodology? Keeping in mind that the molecules I want to study are way to big to apply any coupled cluster methodology.