
i have started computationally modelling materials from first principles recently, my code of choice being VASP [6.1.0]. Recently i have come across this paper in Nature: DOI:10.1038/s41567-023-01960-5 and became interested in the images rendered. I wish to adapt it to use with a simple crystal structure I used to practice working with VASP.

I have calculated various properties of my crystal like: relaxed structure, band structure, DoS, absorption and reflectivity data. I attach the reflectivity plot of my structure below:

enter image description here

My question is: given this reflectivity data how do i find the appearance my crystal structure will have if/when synthesized in the lab? Can someone detail the exact steps i need to take to do so?

  • 4
    $\begingroup$ +1 You can check in the same paper you have mentioned in your question, take a look at the caption of Figure 4, the authors said: 'The photorealistic render of the high-pressure hydrogen in vacuum is made by feeding the Mitsuba2 software github.com/mitsuba-renderer/mitsuba2 with the complex refractive index of hydrogen and introducing a texture to simulate both rough and smooth appearance, following the methodology discussed in this paper nature.com/articles/s41524-019-0266-0 $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 30, 2023 at 10:11
  • $\begingroup$ @JaafarMehrez i was having a hard time figuring out the working process for this. I am a novice when it comes to ab-initio computations, right now. Thats why i was looking for a proper working methodology in this regard $\endgroup$
    – F.N.
    Commented Dec 30, 2023 at 11:26

1 Answer 1


Upon posting this question to alphaXiv!, the first-author had commented on the question regarding their methodology:

You can follow the examples on how to render a metallic surface: https://mitsuba2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/generated/plugins.html#bsdfs

In this case,we provided the real and imaginary part of the refractive indices to the program as a function of the frequency in the input file, as specified in the documentation:parts

< bsdf type="conductor" >

< spectrum name="eta" filename="conductorIOR.eta.spd"/ >

< spectrum name="k" filename="conductorIOR.k.spd"/ >

< /bsdf >

Author Reply!

  • $\begingroup$ As it’s currently written, your answer is unclear. Please edit to add additional details that will help others understand how this addresses the question asked. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center. $\endgroup$
    – Community Bot
    Commented Aug 12 at 20:56

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