I am performing some DFT calculations of monolayer hexagonal boron nitride in Quantum ESPRESSO. I have been trying to calculate the density of states of a 7 x 7 supercell of h-BN, but the resulting density of states does not scale up properly. For a 1 x 1 primitive cell system, I get a smooth plot; for a 3 x 3 system, I get an identical plot, but for a 7 x7 system, there is too much noise:
What might be the cause of this trouble? The only difference between the scf and nscf files for the supercells is the number of K-POINTS and total number of atoms.
scf file for 1 x 1:
calculation = 'scf'
prefix = 'hbn'
pseudo_dir = '../pseudos/'
outdir = '../out/'
ibrav = 0
nat = 2
ntyp = 2
occupations = 'smearing'
smearing = 'mv'
degauss = 0.002
ecutwfc = 60
ecutrho = 600
mixing_beta = 0.7
conv_thr = 1d-6
B 10.811 B.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
N 14.0067 N.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
B 0.6666666666 0.3333333333 0.5000000000
N 0.3333333333 0.6666666666 0.5000000000
2.514856081 0.000000000 0.000000000
-1.257428041 2.177929253 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 10.000000000
K_POINTS automatic
9 9 1 0 0 0
scf for 3 x 3 case:
calculation = 'scf'
prefix = 'hbn'
pseudo_dir = './pseudos/'
outdir = './out/'
ibrav = 0
nat = 18
ntyp = 2
occupations = 'smearing'
smearing = 'mv'
degauss = 0.002
ecutwfc = 60
ecutrho = 600
mixing_beta = 0.7
conv_thr = 1d-6
5 10.811 B.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
7 14.0067 N.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
5 1.2574280400 0.7259764180 5.0000000000
7 0.0000000000 1.4519528350 5.0000000000
5 -0.0000000010 2.9039056710 5.0000000000
7 -1.2574280410 3.6298820880 5.0000000000
5 -1.2574280420 5.0818349240 5.0000000000
7 -2.5148560820 5.8078113410 5.0000000000
5 3.7722841210 0.7259764180 5.0000000000
7 2.5148560810 1.4519528350 5.0000000000
5 2.5148560800 2.9039056710 5.0000000000
7 1.2574280400 3.6298820880 5.0000000000
5 1.2574280390 5.0818349240 5.0000000000
7 -0.0000000010 5.8078113410 5.0000000000
5 6.2871402020 0.7259764180 5.0000000000
7 5.0297121620 1.4519528350 5.0000000000
5 5.0297121610 2.9039056710 5.0000000000
7 3.7722841210 3.6298820880 5.0000000000
5 3.7722841200 5.0818349240 5.0000000000
7 2.5148560800 5.8078113410 5.0000000000
7.544568243 0.000000000 0.000000000
-3.772284123 6.533787759 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 10.000000000
K_POINTS automatic
3 3 1 0 0 0
scf file for 7 x 7 case:
calculation = 'scf'
prefix = 'hbn'
pseudo_dir = './pseudos/'
outdir = './out/'
ibrav = 0
nat = 98
ntyp = 2
occupations = 'smearing'
smearing = 'mv'
degauss = 0.002
ecutwfc = 60
ecutrho = 600
mixing_beta = 0.7
conv_thr = 1d-6
5 10.811 B.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
7 14.0067 N.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
5 1.2574280400 0.7259764180 5.0000000000
7 0.0000000000 1.4519528350 5.0000000000
5 -0.0000000010 2.9039056710 5.0000000000
7 -1.2574280410 3.6298820880 5.0000000000
5 -1.2574280420 5.0818349240 5.0000000000
7 -2.5148560820 5.8078113410 5.0000000000
5 -2.5148560830 7.2597641770 5.0000000000
7 -3.7722841230 7.9857405940 5.0000000000
5 -3.7722841240 9.4376934300 5.0000000000
7 -5.0297121640 10.1636698470 5.0000000000
5 -5.0297121650 11.6156226830 5.0000000000
7 -6.2871402050 12.3415991000 5.0000000000
5 -6.2871402060 13.7935519360 5.0000000000
7 -7.5445682460 14.5195283530 5.0000000000
5 3.7722841210 0.7259764180 5.0000000000
7 2.5148560810 1.4519528350 5.0000000000
5 2.5148560800 2.9039056710 5.0000000000
7 1.2574280400 3.6298820880 5.0000000000
5 1.2574280390 5.0818349240 5.0000000000
7 -0.0000000010 5.8078113410 5.0000000000
5 -0.0000000020 7.2597641770 5.0000000000
7 -1.2574280420 7.9857405940 5.0000000000
5 -1.2574280430 9.4376934300 5.0000000000
7 -2.5148560830 10.1636698470 5.0000000000
5 -2.5148560840 11.6156226830 5.0000000000
7 -3.7722841240 12.3415991000 5.0000000000
5 -3.7722841250 13.7935519360 5.0000000000
7 -5.0297121650 14.5195283530 5.0000000000
5 6.2871402020 0.7259764180 5.0000000000
7 5.0297121620 1.4519528350 5.0000000000
5 5.0297121610 2.9039056710 5.0000000000
7 3.7722841210 3.6298820880 5.0000000000
5 3.7722841200 5.0818349240 5.0000000000
7 2.5148560800 5.8078113410 5.0000000000
5 2.5148560790 7.2597641770 5.0000000000
7 1.2574280390 7.9857405940 5.0000000000
5 1.2574280380 9.4376934300 5.0000000000
7 -0.0000000020 10.1636698470 5.0000000000
5 -0.0000000030 11.6156226830 5.0000000000
7 -1.2574280430 12.3415991000 5.0000000000
5 -1.2574280440 13.7935519360 5.0000000000
7 -2.5148560840 14.5195283530 5.0000000000
5 8.8019962830 0.7259764180 5.0000000000
7 7.5445682430 1.4519528350 5.0000000000
5 7.5445682420 2.9039056710 5.0000000000
7 6.2871402020 3.6298820880 5.0000000000
5 6.2871402010 5.0818349240 5.0000000000
7 5.0297121610 5.8078113410 5.0000000000
5 5.0297121600 7.2597641770 5.0000000000
7 3.7722841200 7.9857405940 5.0000000000
5 3.7722841190 9.4376934300 5.0000000000
7 2.5148560790 10.1636698470 5.0000000000
5 2.5148560780 11.6156226830 5.0000000000
7 1.2574280380 12.3415991000 5.0000000000
5 1.2574280370 13.7935519360 5.0000000000
7 -0.0000000030 14.5195283530 5.0000000000
5 11.3168523640 0.7259764180 5.0000000000
7 10.0594243240 1.4519528350 5.0000000000
5 10.0594243230 2.9039056710 5.0000000000
7 8.8019962830 3.6298820880 5.0000000000
5 8.8019962820 5.0818349240 5.0000000000
7 7.5445682420 5.8078113410 5.0000000000
5 7.5445682410 7.2597641770 5.0000000000
7 6.2871402010 7.9857405940 5.0000000000
5 6.2871402000 9.4376934300 5.0000000000
7 5.0297121600 10.1636698470 5.0000000000
5 5.0297121590 11.6156226830 5.0000000000
7 3.7722841190 12.3415991000 5.0000000000
5 3.7722841180 13.7935519360 5.0000000000
7 2.5148560780 14.5195283530 5.0000000000
5 13.8317084450 0.7259764180 5.0000000000
7 12.5742804050 1.4519528350 5.0000000000
5 12.5742804040 2.9039056710 5.0000000000
7 11.3168523640 3.6298820880 5.0000000000
5 11.3168523630 5.0818349240 5.0000000000
7 10.0594243230 5.8078113410 5.0000000000
5 10.0594243220 7.2597641770 5.0000000000
7 8.8019962820 7.9857405940 5.0000000000
5 8.8019962810 9.4376934300 5.0000000000
7 7.5445682410 10.1636698470 5.0000000000
5 7.5445682400 11.6156226830 5.0000000000
7 6.2871402000 12.3415991000 5.0000000000
5 6.2871401990 13.7935519360 5.0000000000
7 5.0297121590 14.5195283530 5.0000000000
5 16.3465645260 0.7259764180 5.0000000000
7 15.0891364860 1.4519528350 5.0000000000
5 15.0891364850 2.9039056710 5.0000000000
7 13.8317084450 3.6298820880 5.0000000000
5 13.8317084440 5.0818349240 5.0000000000
7 12.5742804040 5.8078113410 5.0000000000
5 12.5742804030 7.2597641770 5.0000000000
7 11.3168523630 7.9857405940 5.0000000000
5 11.3168523620 9.4376934300 5.0000000000
7 10.0594243220 10.1636698470 5.0000000000
5 10.0594243210 11.6156226830 5.0000000000
7 8.8019962810 12.3415991000 5.0000000000
5 8.8019962800 13.7935519360 5.0000000000
7 7.5445682400 14.5195283530 5.0000000000
17.603992567 0.000000000 0.000000000
-8.801996287 15.245504771 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 10.000000000
K_POINTS automatic
3 3 1 0 0 0