I’m looking to complete ROHF energy calculations in PySCF for the F atom.
I need to update the irrep_nelec dictionary for F.
I know that the one for the O atom is:
irrep_nelec={'A1g': (2,2), 'E1ux': (1,0), 'E1uy': (1,0),'A1u': (1,1)})
If I don’t include the appropriate one for F, I encounter the following error:
output file: out.txt
<class 'pyscf.scf.rohf.ROHF'> does not have attributes irrep_nelec
I attempted to use pyscf
to provide the correct dictionary:
import pyscf as pyscf
from pyscf import scf, gto
mol = gto.M(atom='F', basis='ccpvdz', symmetry=True, charge=0, spin=1, verbose=0)
mf = scf.RHF(mol)
to yield the following output:
{'s+0': (2, 2), 'p-1': (1, 1), 'p+0': (1, 0), 'p+1': (1, 1), 'd-2': (0, 0), 'd-1': (0, 0), 'd+0': (0, 0), 'd+1': (0, 0), 'd+2': (0, 0)}
I can compare to O,
{'s+0': (2, 2), 'p-1': (1, 1), 'p+0': (1, 0), 'p+1': (1, 0), 'd-2': (0, 0), 'd-1': (0, 0), 'd+0': (0, 0), 'd+1': (0, 0), 'd+2': (0, 0)}
however this does not enable me to uniquely identify the correct dictionary.
Many thanks for your help.