This is the information about basis functions which I am getting on doing Gaussian calculation. But according to the best of my knowledge Kr has six primitive Gaussians for 1s, 2s,2p, 3s, and 3p orbitals, and a split-valence pair of three and one primitives for valence orbitals, which are 4s, 4p, and 3d.
Here is the .com file for the calculation
#HFS/6-31G output=wfn Pop =full
title card
0 1
Kr 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
These are the basis functions which I am getting.
Standard basis: 6-31G (6D, 7F)
AO basis set in the form of general basis input (Overlap normalization):
1 0
S 8 1.00 0.000000000000
0.6057000000D+06 0.2196315394D-03
0.9030000000D+05 0.1664833237D-02
0.2092000000D+05 0.8639235302D-02
0.5889000000D+04 0.3524208999D-01
0.1950000000D+04 0.1121508530D+00
0.7182000000D+03 0.2733050295D+00
0.2854000000D+03 0.4336665192D+00
0.1186000000D+03 0.2721971781D+00
S 2 1.00 0.000000000000
0.3816000000D+02 0.2786214677D+00
0.1645000000D+02 0.7462366170D+00
S 1 1.00 0.000000000000
0.5211000000D+01 0.1000000000D+01
S 1 1.00 0.000000000000
0.2291000000D+01 0.1000000000D+01
S 1 1.00 0.000000000000
0.4837000000D+00 0.1000000000D+01
S 1 1.00 0.000000000000
0.1855000000D+00 0.1000000000D+01
P 6 1.00 0.000000000000
0.4678000000D+04 0.1377789341D-02
0.1120000000D+04 0.1212089588D-01
0.3571000000D+03 0.5975547326D-01
0.1314000000D+03 0.2240843064D+00
0.5286000000D+02 0.4076562538D+00
0.2270000000D+02 0.4523828826D+00
P 3 1.00 0.000000000000
0.9547000000D+01 0.2904719606D+00
0.4167000000D+01 0.5334844307D+00
0.1811000000D+01 0.2708313155D+00
P 1 1.00 0.000000000000
0.5337000000D+00 0.1000000000D+01
P 1 1.00 0.000000000000
0.1654000000D+00 0.1000000000D+01
D 5 1.00 0.000000000000
0.1256000000D+03 0.1917698437D-01
0.3531000000D+02 0.1258630876D+00
0.1215000000D+02 0.3661649364D+00
0.4350000000D+01 0.5030491390D+00
0.1494000000D+01 0.2632849056D+00