Is there any post processing tools by which I can get average value of lattice parameters from cell trajectory? For example: I ran 'vc-cp' (CPMD) in quantum espresso (for Silicon) and Si.cel file is created by CPMD, which contains lattice parameters at every step. I have used 10000 steps with interval of 10.
10 0.00120944
9.49859 -2.24446 1.37072
-2.29735 8.74994 -1.97679
1.51824 -2.6148 9.66447
10000 0.133034
9.48745 -2.224956 1.38545
-2.28475 8.748565 -1.98745
1.52478 -2.64752 9.67304
How can I get average lattice parameters from that si.cel trajectory?