@naturallyInconsistent's point (that the basics are best learnt on a simple system) are true. Generally, we use the primitive cell of Si (commonly called Si2), as that is just nice, and works very reliably.
The important concepts here is that the concept you are converging is the density of the k-point mesh in reciprocal space. This means that longer reciprocal lattice vectors require more points to achieve the same density. It is worth recalling that the ratios of reciprocal lattice vectors are the inverse of the ratio of the real space lattice vectors, so the smaller the real space lattice, the more points that you will need in that direction. So, generally it is common practice to keep the k-points in the same ratio as the reciprocal lattice vectors, and then scale from there.
The next point is to know what you are converging. The most common quantity you will see being converged is the total energy (however this is not always the most appropriate quantity: for example, when converging to prepare for a phonon calculation you will find that stress is a better proxy for your phonon mode convergence than the total energy of your system).
Accordingly, the first step of converging your k-points is to run your code to extract your chosen convergence parameter for that system. Then note what this was, and run again with a denser k-point mesh. You should find that your answer will not be the same (at least, not the same to N decimal places). Now run it again with an even denser grid. You should find that the answers are not the same, but will be identical to a higher number of decimal places.
The aim of convergence testing is to determine when you can stop increasing your number (in this case, your k-points). This is the point where there is no universal answer. If you are investigating properties on the 10 eV energy scale (for the sake of argument) converging to 10 meV would be sufficient to claim accuracy, whereas for properties on the meV scale, that same threshold would be woeful: it is all about the signal (the property you care about) to noise (uncertainty due to incomplete convergence) ratio. Ultimately, deciding what threshold is "converged" is up to you as a scientist to decide.
Hope that helps,