I need to run MD (NPT ensemble) to find out lattice parameters at different temperature. Below is the input file for 300 K.
calculation = 'vc-cp'
etot_conv_thr = 1.0000000000d-10
forc_conv_thr = 1.0000000000d-09
outdir = './out'
prefix = 'si'
pseudo_dir = './'
prefix = 'si'
nstep=3000, iprint=10, isave=100,
ndr=65, ndw=66, ! folder for reading and writing
ecutwfc = 80
ibrav = 0
nat = 128
ntyp = 1
conv_thr = 1.0d-9
electron_dynamics =
electron_velocities =
ion_dynamics = 'verlet'
ion_velocities = 'zero'
ion_temperature = 'nose' tempw = 300
cell_dynamics =
Si 28.0855 Si.pz-hgh.UPF
I am running it multiple times with same configuration and check the average temperature from out file.
1st run (3000 steps) - Avg Temp found 304 K
2nd run (more 3000 steps) - Avg Temp found 299.18 K
3rd run (more 3000 steps) - Avg Temp found 300.80 K
4th run (more 3000 steps) - Avg Temp found 299.93 K
5th run (more 3000 steps) - Avg Temp found 299.77 K
6th run (more 3000 steps) - Avg Temp found 300.08 K
7th run (more 3000 steps) - Avg Temp found 304.18 K
8th run (more 3000 steps) - Avg Temp found 299.11 K
One of the related papers informs that after reaching equilibrium, they used 2000 more steps to find out average lattice parameters at 300 K.
How do I know my simulation reach the equilibrium or not? As you can see temperature is fluctuating very little from the 300 K. Should I focus on temperature to find out equilibrium simulation?