I have a substance, a Cu-bisphenanthroline complex, and I want to examine its adsorption on different materials. I am considering carbon and silica, and possibly something else like liposomes to discuss various options and choose the most suitable one.
The problem is that I have never worked with these materials before. My substance is spherical and quite large, as one might assume. Therefore, I doubt that a carbon layer would be a good choice and perhaps nanotubes would be better. The same goes for silica— instead of sticking with a single layer, I consider using pore of a mesoporous silica instead, given that tube-like shape might better accommodate the ligand.
Additionally, I am unsure which software to use for this analysis. I have been using Gaussian, but I’m wondering if it is the best choice for this type of study. Can anyone recommend more suitable software for this purpose or give general advices on the topic?