I am writing a simple Lennard-Jones fluid simulation in LAMMPS.
So far, I have outputted the temperature, volume, density, total energy, enthalpy, pressure, and all of it seems to be believable every 500 steps. This leads me to believe that my simulation is doing the right physics.
thermo_style custom step temp vol density etotal pe ke enthalpy press
thermo_modify format float %14.6f #format in log file
thermo 500
However, I wanted to evaluate the autocorrelation function for my simulation. Looking up the LAMMPS documentation I see the following command:
compute velacf all vacf
From my understanding, the deal with a vacf is that I need the entire simulation to be complete before I start computing it, since $$\psi(t_d) = \frac{1}{N_{part}}\sum_{i=1}^{N_{part}} \sum_{j=0}^{f-d} \mathbf{v}_i(t_j)\cdot\mathbf{v}_i(t_j+t_d)$$ where $N_{part}$ is the number of particles, and $t_f$ is the final time, and $t_i+t_j = t_{i+j}$ (equal time steps taken throughout simulation).
How do I make LAMMPS get me an output of VACF at each time, so I can use it for analysis and visualization?