Let qA
and qB
represent unit, orientation quaternions of grain A and grain B of a grain boundary in the lab reference frame, respectively. Let qm
be the misorientation quaternion of qA
and qB
. Quaternion inversion (qinv
) and quaternion multiplication (qmult
) are discussed in Quaternions and spatial rotations. Let mA
be the boundary plane normal pointing from grain A to grain B in the sample reference frame. Let nA
be the boundary plane normal pointing outwards from grain A towards grain B in the grain A crystal reference frame. All boundary planes are represented in 3D Cartesian coordinates.
qinv(qA) = [qA(1) -qA(2:4)]
qinv(qB) = [qB(1) -qB(2:4)]
qmult(qA,qB) ~= qmult(qB,qA) %non-commutative
My Understanding
I think the misorientation quaternion is obtained by one of the following two conversions:
qm = qmult(qinv(qA),qB);
qm = qmult(qB,qinv(qA));
I think the boundary plane normal is represented by:
nA = qmult(qA,qmult([0 mA],qinv(qA)));
nA = nA(2:4); %drop 1st element which is 0
While the two misorientation quaternions share the same misorientation angle, they each represent rotations around different axes, and thus (as far as I understand), a different grain boundary.
What is the appropriate conversion of (qA
, qB
, mA
) triplets to (qm
, nA
) pairs?
blocks to improve the formatting a bit, and this will have the positive effect of bumping the question up to the top so that more users can see it (now that we have a lot more users than when you first asked this question). I have a question: What exactly is the reference for? Typically a reference list would be added when there's in-line citations to the items in the reference list, as in this case. $\endgroup$