I want to get the equations that model free energy for a given phase in a given alloy system (see attached image). I do not just want to get values of free energy for specific compositions. Is it possible to extract the equations themselves from a Thermo-Calc database? Ideally, I'd like to be able to do this in TC_Python, but if it's only possible in Console Mode I could work with that.
Example Output I found (but don't know the code used to generate it):
FUNCTION GHSERCO 298.15 +310.241+133.36601*T
+72527*T**(-1) 1768.0 Y -17197.666+253.28374*T
-40.5*T*LN(T)+9.3488E+30*T**(-9);,, N !
FUNCTION GHSERNI 298.15 -5179.159+117.854*T
1728.0 Y -27840.655+279.135*T-43.1*T*LN(T)
+1.12754E+31*T**(-9);,, N !
PARAMETER L(HCP_A3,CO,NI:VA;0) 298.15 -1620-.385*T;,,N !
PARAMETER TC(HCP_A3,CO:VA;0) 298.15 +1396;,,N !
PARAMETER BMAGN(HCP_A3,CO:VA;0) 298.15 1.35;,,N !
PARAMETER TC(HCP_A3,NI:VA;0) 298.15 633;,,N !
PARAMETER BMAGN(HCP_A3,NI:VA;0) 298.15 .52;,,N !
PARAMETER TC(HCP_A3,CO,NI:VA;0) 298.15 411;,,N !
PARAMETER TC(HCP_A3,CO,NI:VA;1) 298.15 -99;,,N!
PARAMETER BMAGN(HCP_A3,CO,NI:VA;0) 298.15 1.046;,,N !
PARAMETER BMAGN(HCP_A3,CO,NI:VA;1) 298.15 .165;,,N !