This is an important question, and I will do my best to answer it in a way that adds to the nice suggestions made in earlier answers.
In short, the answer is yes, but only with the help of some other models and approaches. In this response, I will focus on the conventional (computational) approach to this question, using lattice models and Monte Carlo Methods.
This approach, generally speaking, involves running a series of spin-polarized DFT calculations for different magnetic configurations. The next step is to map the results of these calculations (total energies and/or electronic structure) to a lattice model. There a two main ways to do this, which I touch on below. The transition temperature (Curie temperature for ferromagnets) can then be identified by running Monte Carlo (MC) simulations on this lattice model, and observing at what temperature your order parameter (in this case total magnetization) goes to zero (paramagnetic transition), or heat capacity "spikes," etc... The VAMPIRE documentation for this is included here:
In theory, you could perform MC runs with DFT energy evaluations. However, practically speaking the lattice model provides a cheap alternative to exploring the magnetic configuration space of your system.
I encourage you explore the magnetic exchange workflow recently implemented in atomate:
which calculates the parameters of a lattice model from DFT energies (using pymatgen functions linked below), and estimates the transition temperature using the MC method implemented in the VAMPIRE code suite (suggested in a previous answer).
The workflow calls the Heisenberg model mapper implemented in pymatgen:
Some more details
In the lattice picture, the energy of arrangements of different spins can be calculated in a relatively straightforward way using the effective Hamiltonian:
$$\mathcal{H} = - \sum_{\langle i,j \rangle} J_{ij} \delta_{ij} $$
where the sum is over all pairwise interactions between sites (the pair of sites $i$ and $j$ is indicated by $\langle i,j \rangle$). In the Ising picture, $\delta_{ij} = \sigma_i \sigma_j$ (where $\sigma_k = \pm 1$ indicates the up/down spin state at site $k$). In the classical Heisenberg picture, $\delta_{ij} = \vec{s}_i \cdot \vec{s}_j$ (the dot product between spins represented as vectors in 3D space).
One way to calculate $J_{ij}$ values from DFT using the KKR-Green's function method, another is by solving a matrix vector system (implemented in the atomate workflow). For a physical intuition behind these exchange interaction values, I suggest referring to a book in solid state physics/chemistry, such as the well known text by Ashcroft and Mermin.
Famous examples of these lattice models include Ising and Heisenberg (both "classical" and "quantum" formulations). However, there are many more, such as the Potts and XY models. Theorists have studied these models extensively for years. Despite the simplicity of these models compared to density functional theory approaches, these lattice models are able to capture the physics relevant to the order-to-disorder (ordered to paramagnetic) phase transition in magnets.
Common assumptions underlying these models include the approximation that each atom has an effective "spin" or magnetic moment on each atom. This assumption is reasonable for many systems with "localized" moments - more on some of the major limitations of this simplification here. Alternatively, there are other approaches that include "higher order" expansions to the free energy of your system using "cluster expansion" or "cluster multipole expansion," however, I will not focus on those approaches here.
I am currently working on extending this mapping to include the effect of atomic displacements in the model, in addition to magnetic interactions. These spin-lattice (magnon-phonon) coupling effects have been shown to also shift the phase transition temperature. I've run out of allowed references, however, if your curious, search for "compressible Heisenberg/Ising," "spin-lattice coupling Hamiltonian," or "Bean-Rodbell" model.
A helpful lesson that I've learned is that it's important to be aware of the assumptions of different lattice models, and understanding the relevant physics that we want to capture. As the famous saying goes:
"All models are wrong but some are useful."