I am trying to calculate electronically excited states for the CO molecule, with the aug-cc-pVTZ
basis set, and a CASSCF calculation. The documentation describes how I select the number of orbitals in the closed and active spaces for each symmetry (in the C2v point group). But I can't find information about the criteria that is used for selecting which orbitals will be the active ones in each symmetry.
Using the command orbprint,12
I can tell that orbitals are not selected simply in increasing energy order (since some unoccupied orbitals have lower energy than the occupied ones).
How does Molpro pick out orbitals for the active space? And, can I control this process if I am not happy with some particular selection?
A condensed version of my input:
***,CASSCF test
O, C, qco
basis = aug-cc-pVTZ
dq = 0.125
DO qco = 1, 10, dq
IF (qco.EQ.1.5) dq = 0.0625
IF (qco.EQ.3) dq = 0.125
IF (qco.EQ.4) dq = 0.25
IF (qco.EQ.5) dq = 0.5
IF (qco.EQ.6) dq = 1
! Storing distance, energy, and tr-dip-mom. in memory [..]
! Saving all computed values to disk [..]
For nuclear distance 2.75, these are eight orbitals in each symmetry. Taken from the output file.
Orbital Occupation Energy
1.1 2.00000 -20.72392
2.1 2.00000 -11.41840
3.1 1.99027 -1.38533
4.1 1.93048 -0.81010
5.1 1.55554 -0.48414
6.1 0.07730 0.43260
7.1 -0.00000 0.06413
8.1 -0.00000 0.08645
1.2 1.73314 -0.55388
2.2 0.54582 -0.05416
3.2 0.01415 0.95790
4.2 -0.00000 0.09084
5.2 -0.00000 0.25216
6.2 -0.00000 0.48245
7.2 -0.00000 0.57317
8.2 -0.00000 0.77930
1.3 1.55073 -0.50443
2.3 0.39516 -0.01699
3.3 0.19777 0.09396
4.3 -0.00000 0.17954
5.3 -0.00000 0.37646
6.3 -0.00000 0.50901
7.3 -0.00000 0.77746
8.3 -0.00000 1.00082
1.4 0.00610 1.10176
2.4 0.00353 2.22594
3.4 -0.00000 0.47199
4.4 -0.00000 1.09344
5.4 -0.00000 1.21291
6.4 -0.00000 2.37566
7.4 -0.00000 3.10900
8.4 -0.00000 3.49887