I have been trying to do geometrical optimization for ZnSe Quantum Dots using Quantum ESPRESSO.
The convergence is very slow, so slow that even after 200 iterations I could not get convergence. I tried reducing mixing_beta
to 0.3 like it says in the manual for QE(things got worse) and then I tried raising it to 0.8, this actually gave better results. Raising the cutoff energy also did not have much effect.
The weird thing is that once one decimal place is obtained it just keeps going a bit up and down not being able to converge the next digits easily. I think this could be solved by reducing the step size in the algorithm, is that somehow possible?
Input file
calculation = "relax"
forc_conv_thr = 1.00000e-03
max_seconds = 1.72800e+05
nstep = 100
outdir = ".\outdir"
prefix = "me"
pseudo_dir = "C:\Users\aman\.burai\.pseudopot"
a = 2.50000e+01
b = 2.50000e+01
c = 2.50000e+01
degauss = 1.00000e-02
ecutrho = 2.49895e+02
ecutwfc = 2.75032e+01
ibrav = 8
nat = 44
ntyp = 2
occupations = "fixed"
smearing = "gaussian"
conv_thr = 1.00000e-06
electron_maxstep = 200
mixing_beta = 8.00000e-01
startingpot = "atomic"
startingwfc = "atomic+random"
ion_dynamics = "bfgs"
K_POINTS {gamma}
Zn 65.39000 Zn.pbe-van.UPF
Se 78.96000 Se.pbe-n-rrkjus_psl.1.0.0.UPF
Zn 7.349204 5.983991 13.367822
Zn 11.402731 13.004906 13.367822
Zn 7.349204 5.983991 6.705404
Zn 11.402731 13.004906 6.705404
Zn 13.429495 11.834754 10.036613
Zn 9.375968 4.813839 10.036613
Zn 5.322440 9.494449 13.367822
Zn 9.375967 9.494448 13.367822
Zn 7.349204 13.004906 13.367822
Zn 5.322440 9.494449 6.705404
Zn 9.375967 9.494448 6.705404
Zn 7.349204 13.004906 6.705404
Zn 15.456259 8.324296 10.036613
Zn 11.402731 8.324296 10.036613
Zn 13.429494 4.813839 10.036613
Zn 13.429495 9.494449 13.367822
Zn 11.402731 5.983991 13.367822
Zn 13.429495 9.494449 6.705404
Zn 11.402731 5.983991 6.705404
Zn 5.322440 11.834754 10.036613
Zn 7.349204 8.324296 10.036613
Zn 9.375968 11.834754 10.036613
Se 13.429495 11.834754 5.868711
Se 9.375968 4.813839 5.868711
Se 7.349204 5.983991 9.199920
Se 11.402731 13.004906 9.199920
Se 13.429495 11.834754 12.531128
Se 9.375968 4.813839 12.531128
Se 11.402731 8.324296 5.868711
Se 9.375967 9.494448 15.862337
Se 5.322440 9.494449 9.199920
Se 9.375967 9.494448 9.199920
Se 7.349204 13.004906 9.199920
Se 15.456259 8.324296 12.531128
Se 11.402731 8.324296 12.531128
Se 13.429494 4.813839 12.531128
Se 7.349204 8.324296 5.868711
Se 9.375968 11.834754 5.868711
Se 15.456259 5.983991 9.199920
Se 13.429495 9.494449 9.199920
Se 11.402731 5.983991 9.199920
Se 5.322440 11.834754 12.531128
Se 7.349204 8.324296 12.531128
Se 9.375968 11.834754 12.531128
Any other advice on convergence is also very much optimized, Thanks! P.S the structure is neutral and I don't think there is anything wrong with the structure.
, the QE manual makes the same point about slow SCF convergence: "In most cases: your input data is bad, or else your system is metallic and you are treating it as an insulator." $\endgroup$