I am attempting to calculate the driving force of nucleation for several different precipitate phases using TC-Python. To this I want to suspend all phases, except for the matrix phase (e.g. FCC_L12). Then I want to set the precipitate phase of interest to be dormant (so the driving force can still be calculated).
Below is an example of what my current approach looks like. The issue is that Thermo-Calc will automatically generate several FCC composition sets (e.g. "FCC_L12#2", "FCC_L12#3", etc.), but I only want one of these composition sets to be active (as the matrix). I don't know how to suspend certain composition sets and allow others. Is this possible to do in TC-Python?
with TCPython() as session:
.select_database_and_elements(database_name, elements)
calc.set_condition(ThermodynamicQuantity.temperature(), temp)
for el_indx in range(len(elements)):
.mole_fraction_of_a_component(elements[el_indx]), comps[el_indx])
calc.set_phase_to_entered("FCC_L12", 0)
drivingForce = calc_result.get_value_of('DGM(' + precip_phaseName + ')')
set on your system. If you remove that line and turn off global minimization, will it stop creating new composition sets? $\endgroup$