I wanted to calculate the normal modes of some particular material using the Quantum ESPRESSO. Everything went fairly well, but there is a couple of lines in the output that I do not understand. In particular, one of the lines that came out in the ph.out file reads as:
freq ( 4 - 5) = 62.3 [cm-1] --> E_u X_5' M_5' I
From here we can read off the phonon frequency $\left(62.3 \,\textrm{cm}^{-1}\right)$ and we can also see that this particular vibration belongs to $E_u$ irreducible representations. It is also possible to see that this mode is IR active. However, I do not understand this piece of information:
X_5' M_5'
What does this tell us?
PS: We are working with point group $D_{4h}$ (4/mmm).