The efficiency $E$ of a parallel calculation is defined as
\begin{align} E &= \frac{S}{N}, & S &= \frac{T_1}{T_N}, \end{align}
where $S$ is the speedup and $N$ is the number of workers, and $T_{1/N}$ is the time for one core, $N$ cores, respectively.
By definition the efficiency of a parallel calculation should never be able to exceed 1.
Considering this, I came upon an interesting result in Q-Chem when I was benchmarking the two parallel options: the OpenMP threaded options (-nt) and the message passing interface option (-np)
As can be seen, I am getting an efficiency greater than 1 for -nt processes!
All calculations were done with qchem/feb2019/env_intel_2018_parallel
version and were run on the same compute node.
The number of SCF cycles are identical between the two calculations, but the energy and DIIS error is not exactly the same:
The 1 process calculations:
Cycle Energy DIIS Error
14 -690.0167217745 3.47E-07
the 4,8, etc. calculation process:
Cycle Energy DIIS Error
14 -690.0167223190 3.49E-07
Is there an explanation?