I am trying to do the band structure calculation considering the Spin Orbit Coupling but getting the following error:
Computing kpt #: 92
total cpu time spent up to now is 3908.6 secs
Computing kpt #: 93
total cpu time spent up to now is 3955.6 secs
Computing kpt #: 94
Error in routine cdiaghg (463):
S matrix not positive definite
I have tried doing this calculation with both PAW and Ultrasoft fully relativistic pseudopotential and getting the same error in both the cases. Before it I have already done the scf calculation without any error with both the pseudopotential. I have tried increasing the plane wave cutoff too, but still getting the same error.
The link for the scf, nscf input out file is here.
I am wondering why this is happening. I have already checked for the overlap of atoms in xcrysden but I don't think that is the problem cause then scf calculation would not have been done successfully. Please suggest me how can I remove this errors as I am dealing with it for last three days.
Thank you!
? $\endgroup$diagonalization = 'cg'
$\endgroup$diagonalization = 'cg'
but it didn't work for me. Let me try withdiago_david_ndim=2
and revert back. $\endgroup$