Cable theory is a good simulation for the resting potential. It imagines patches of cell membrane lipid bilayer as capacitors and transmembrane ion channels as resistors.
But it seems this model is not enough to simulate the action potential cycle (Depolarisation, Repolarisation etc and associated Na+ and K+ channel states), and the propagation cycle of action potential. The array will seemingly produce a bland gradient of voltage along the circuit (as seen in 'length constant' graph)
What would be a circuit diagram for a more working model of action potential cycle and its propagation?
So far I have proceeded:
Zener diodes and/or voltage dependent resistors may help as simulate Na+ or K+ channels.
I may need to put some batteries at a certain interval along the circuit (serves as source of action potential)
Where I'm stuck:
How can I simulate the "closing" or plugging off (inactivation) of the sodium channel?