The link to the trajectory is here.I am using the module and similar code of the ASAP calculator from ASE. The problem is as follows, the running Coordination Number doesn't match the number of atoms in the cell. Upon checking, I found that the ASE is reading the trajectory atoms boundary condition and cell correctly. But the results are this with 16 Ge-atoms in the cell.
So, I am curious if someone can get the simple code below working,
from scipy import integrate
from asap3 import *
from asap3.analysis.rdf import RadialDistributionFunction
from ase.lattice.compounds import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from import atomic_numbers, atomic_names, atomic_masses, covalent_radii
def rdf(file_traj, ge_ratio):
rMax = 12.41
nBins = 200
traj = Trajectory(file_traj)
RDFobj = None
for atoms in traj:
if RDFobj is None:
RDFobj = RadialDistributionFunction(atoms, rMax, nBins)
RDFobj.atoms = atoms # Fool RDFobj to use the new atoms
RDFobj.update() # Collect data
x = (np.arange(nBins) + 0.5) * rMax / nBins
rdf = RDFobj.get_rdf()
plt.title('Total RDF-Ge Count%s'%ge_ratio, fontsize=15)
plt.plot(x, rdf)
# Get the partial RDFs and plot them
Si = atomic_numbers['Si']
Ge = atomic_numbers['Ge']
rdfGeGe = RDFobj.get_rdf(elements=(Ge, Ge))
plt.title('Partial RDF-Ge Count%s'%ge_ratio, fontsize=15)
plt.plot(x, rdfGeGe, 'r', label = "Ge-Ge")
y = rdfGeGe * 4 * np.pi * x * x * (ge_ratio/rMax**3)
result_lst = []
for i in range(len(x)):
result = integrate.simps(y[:i + 1],x[: i+ 1])
result_lst = np.array(result_lst)
plt.plot(x, result_lst, 'r', label = "Ge-Ge")
plt.title('CN-Ge Count%s'%ge_ratio, fontsize=15)
files are binary and Google Drive doesn't have a default way to display a generic binary file. $\endgroup$