Is there an option to calculate circular dichroism (CD spectra) and anisotropic Dissymmetry factor in VASP.
I need to calculate the spectra for chiral system
Is there an option to calculate circular dichroism (CD spectra) and anisotropic Dissymmetry factor in VASP.
I need to calculate the spectra for chiral system
Its a bit tough to prove a negative, but currently I believe this isn't possible with VASP or any other QM package. Searching the VASP Wiki returns no hits for "circular dichroism" or "optical rotation" (a close cousin of CD, which requires a lot of the same machinery to compute).
In fact, optical rotation, which is arguably somewhat easier to implement than CD, was not available for periodic systems until very recently, when it was implemented in CRYSTAL. My thesis was actually focused (in part) on developing OR methods for periodic systems and as part of that I also did an extensive lit search for existing OR/CD implementations with Periodic Boundary Conditions (PBC). My search didn't yield anything and it seems CD simply hasn't been implemented for periodic systems yet.
The difficulty lies in the fact that the magnetic dipole $\mathbf{M}$ and electric quadrupole $\mathbf{Q}$ operators are ill-defined for periodic systems due to the unbound position operator $\mathbf{r}$. However, with a sum over states formulation, the matrix elements of $\mathbf{M}$ and $\mathbf{Q}$ can be calculated now. The VASP implementation of the OR and CD calculations have appeared within the independent particle approximation.