Suppose, one knows the ground state wave function $|\Phi\rangle$ in terms of a slater determinant(SD) basis say, from a Configuration interaction calculation.
$$|\Phi\rangle= c_{\text{HF}}\left|\Psi_{\text{HF}}\right\rangle+\sum_{r a} c_{a}^{r}\left|\Psi_{a}^{r}\right\rangle+\sum_{a<b, r<s} c_{a b}^{r s}\left|\Psi_{a b}^{r s}\right\rangle+\sum_{r<s<t, a<b<c} c_{a b c}^{r s t}\left|\Psi_{a b c}^{r s t}\right\rangle+\ldots $$
How can one transform to the molecular orbital(MO) basis? (it is implied that one knows the MOs used to build the SDs in the first place.)
Do any of the ab initio packages already have the functionality where I can pass the eigen vectors of the CI Hamiltonian and the MO coefficients to get the density matrix or the wavefunction in terms of the MO basis?
I am trying to calculate the density matrices from the CI wavefunction in terms of MO basis, so that I can visualize the states from my CI calculation.