The radius (specifically the van der Waals radius) of the atoms is used during the Merz-Kollman procedure to determine what set of points should be sampled to get a reasonably accurate fit of the ESP. For some metals, the van der Waals radii can simply be looked up in a table. If you are unable to find radii for a particular element, an alternative would be to use the keyword mkuff
. This uses radii computed with the Universal Force Field, which are available for every element in the periodic table.
As for specifying the charge, in principle you can apply almost any constraint on the charges during the fitting to the ESP. In practice, Gaussian allows you to set the charge before the fitting by including the pop=uncharged
keyword, which only fits any initially unset charges. A simple example might look like, where I'm considering $\ce{H3O+}$ surrounded by point charges that are taking the place of surrounding water molecules:
#p HF/3-21g nosym pop=(esp,uncharged)
1 1
O 0 -0.50964188 1.00550963 0.00000000
H 0 0.45035812 1.00550963 0.00000000
H 0 -0.83009647 1.91044546 0.00000000
H 0 -1.06370126 0.22153373 0.00000000
O-#6--0.6465214 0 -4.03581272 -0.34435261 0.00000000
H-#6-0.5119446 0 -3.07581272 -0.34435261 0.00000000
H-#6-0.4903441 0 -4.35626731 0.56058322 0.00000000
O-#6--1.0214505 0 2.38292014 2.90633604 0.00000000
H-#6-0.3316260 0 3.34292014 2.90633604 0.00000000
H-#6-0.2799662 0 2.06246555 3.81127188 0.00000000
O-#6--0.9783521 0 -3.70523421 3.56749306 0.00000000
H-#6-0.1651149 0 -2.74523421 3.56749306 0.00000000
H-#6-0.3022461 0 -4.02568879 4.47242889 0.00000000
O-#6--0.7575957 0 2.13498625 -0.56473828 0.00000000
H-#6-0.4518826 0 3.09498625 -0.56473828 0.00000000
H-#6-0.1925964 0 1.81453167 0.34019755 0.00000000
O-#6--0.5969358 0 -0.60425725 1.07007829 -1.97552048
H-#6-0.5439027 0 0.35574275 1.07007829 -1.97552048
H-#6-0.2754568 0 -0.92471184 1.97501412 -1.97552048
O-#6--0.6915599 0 -0.76708769 1.14464887 2.43407203
H-#6-0.4910393 0 0.19291231 1.14464887 2.43407203
H-#6-0.2999107 0 -1.08754227 2.04958470 2.43407203
You specify the MM atom type and charge directly after each element.
as a tag, the MM part can have partial charges defined $\endgroup$