I am trying to understand how long range forces are calculated under the following situation.
SYSTEM-> Lets say we have a single protein surrounded by water molecules. Now I would like to run MD simulation for this system. It's NOT a crystal, just single protein and water.
Lets first consider short-range forces, i.e. Lennard-Jones. Here we first enclose (for simplicity) our single protein + water molecules in a cubic box. Lets also assume that edge of the cubic box is larger than the cutoff distance, hence the protein can not see its own image. Which is perfect.
Now lets consider long range forces. Here the primary tool discussed is Ewald Algorithm. But Ewald sum is based upon calculating potential due to images, i.e. instead of single protein, the algorithm is also taking into account the potential contributed by image proteins which is not the case in LJ potential due to cutoff. Now this algorithm is perfect for crystals, but, as per my understanding, NOT for the system I have described above.
Hence I am very confused on calculation of long range forces in my system. Can someone throw some light on this? I am using Gromacs.
The only solution I see is to calculate $\frac {1}{2}\sum_i\sum_j q_jq_j/r_{ij}$ for all pairs of the protein atoms, which will be of $O(n^2)$ complexity OR Fast Multipole Method using Tree Algorithm, and there is no other way around for my system!