I need to use a diffuse basis set for my highly delocalised molecule, consisting of C, N, O, Cl, S, Mg, Al, B and Si only, since it has many non-covalent interactions inside it. After reading some more papers, regarding its predictable properties(sorry, but there are things called personal research secrets. They are irrelevant to the core of this question anyway), I decided that 6-311++G(3df,3pd) and def2-TZVPPD are the only choices I could use.
However, neither basis set is truly completely diffuse- 6-311++G(3df,3pd) augments only with p & d functions, while def2-TZVPPD does it only with s & d functions. Checked the BSSE website- same there.
What I need to know right now are the IP, EA, band gap and dipole moment- which basis set of the two should I use for these properties?
P.S. the functional I'll be using is M11-L.