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Database (or table) of functions obeying symmetry properties of space groups

I'm looking for a table or database containing mathematical functions that belong to crystallographic space groups by having the same symmetry elements. Imagine a 2D square planar lattice. It has a 4-...
Mika R.'s user avatar
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7 votes
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Repository of Common Surfaces

Are there any repositories of crystal surfaces? Due to orientation / termination of surfaces, occasionally it is non-trivial to decide how exactly to cut a surface for things such as oxides. I ...
Tristan Maxson's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

1T phase MoS2 CIF File

The peak shift for XRD of the 1T and 2H phases of $\ce{MoS2}$ differs by a few degrees (just below 10 degrees for 1T, 14 degrees for 2H). In Rietveld Refinement, a standard CIF file can be used for ...
user4740's user avatar
57 votes
7 answers

Is there a database where we can find previously determined geometries of materials?

For small molecules, NIST has a database of experimentally determined geometries here, and ab initio geometries here. I wonder if there is something similar for materials?
Nike Dattani - No Free Time's user avatar