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List of properties of molecules categorized by the number of atoms?

Is there an online database having information on molecules with a certain number of atoms? For example, properties of tri-atomic molecules? There is this table that I got from NIST which gives a few, ...
Atom's user avatar
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Is there a benchmark paper that takes into account how often each molecule is studied?

There are many benchmark sets in different branches of computational chemistry and physics, that are frequently used to assess the "average error" of a method for a certain property, on a ...
wzkchem5's user avatar
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10 votes
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ASE convesion of Trajectory file to XDATCAR

The issue here is while converting a TRAJ file to POSCAR, it works. But, for TRAJ to XDATCAR, it shows TypeError: images should be a sequence of Atoms objects. (...
Saha_1994's user avatar
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Interpret 2D and 3D data from a PubChem summary of organometallic molecule? Can I "flatten" it when showing on a surface?

I need to "build" an organometallic molecule in Blender/Python then represent it resting on a crystal surface. I'm looking at a PubChem summary for Chloroaluminum phthalocyanine and I can ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Alanine dipeptide trajectories dataset

I was looking for a dataset of alanine dipeptide trajectories. I was wondering whether there is such dataset available or it is unlikely to find one and I should start running molecular dynamics ...
Blade's user avatar
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Is there a set of updated, comprehensive benchmarks for speed comparison between different quantum chemistry packages?

I've found a page dedicated to quantum chemistry packages benchmarks, on GitHub, qmspeedtest. But most results there are several years old, and so probably outdated. Is there some place where we can ...
ksousa's user avatar
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What software is needed in chemoinformatics or materials modeling, that a solo programmer could work on?

I want to make a pet project in cheminformatics and I need to hear from the community about the actual challenges in chemistry that might be resolved with a digital solution. I've been working in ...
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