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6 votes
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Trouble finding pdfs of "Tables of Interatomic Distances and Configuration in Molecules and Ions" series books

I am currently trying to find molecular geometry data prior to 1960, and it seems like "Tables of Interatomic Distances and Configuration in Molecules and Ions (1958). Special publication No. 11. ...
Sam Zhuang's user avatar
4 votes
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List of properties of molecules categorized by the number of atoms?

Is there an online database having information on molecules with a certain number of atoms? For example, properties of tri-atomic molecules? There is this table that I got from NIST which gives a few, ...
Atom's user avatar
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7 votes
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Repository of Common Surfaces

Are there any repositories of crystal surfaces? Due to orientation / termination of surfaces, occasionally it is non-trivial to decide how exactly to cut a surface for things such as oxides. I ...
Tristan Maxson's user avatar
10 votes
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Large dataset with conductivities of materials and chemical compounds? [closed]

I'm looking for a fairly large (>100k) dataset of chemical compounds (and materials) that has conductivities. I've looked at PubMed, but couldn't find conductivities. I would ideally like to avoid ...
explodingfilms101's user avatar
12 votes
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What are the databases of semiconductor properties?

Is there any database listing the experimentally-determined properties of semiconductor materials - things like Band Gap and Electron Mobility. These are easily found for common materials like ...
user0's user avatar
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Where did the "Computational Chemistry Comparison and Benchmark DataBase" find its scaling factors for vibrational specra?

I worked with gaussian to simulate vibrational IR and Raman spectra. For that purpose, I scaled the vibrational frequencies from my gaussian calculation with the scaling factors from this website: ...
Till's user avatar
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8 votes
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Alanine dipeptide trajectories dataset

I was looking for a dataset of alanine dipeptide trajectories. I was wondering whether there is such dataset available or it is unlikely to find one and I should start running molecular dynamics ...
Blade's user avatar
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22 votes
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Database or repository with values for the Hubbard potential U?

The Materials Project and other materials databases have a nice periodic table on their home page that allows you to search for compounds. For some materials, they give an empirical $U$ value used to ...
epalos's user avatar
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Is there a list of all universality classes for phase transitions with examples of each?

I've often had this problem: I have a model that has a phase transition in it, but I don't know what universality class it falls into or what the universality class is called. Is there anywhere on ...
taciteloquence's user avatar