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5 votes
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How can I specify the direction of motion in the colvars file?

I am doing umbrella sampling in NAMD and I want to control the distance in the colvars to be in one direction. Is there any possibility?
Abd-Elazeem Mohamed's user avatar
2 votes
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How can a harmonic constraint be added between two groups in one direction using NAMD?

As a new user of NAMD, I am seeking assistance regarding a specific task. I intend to pull a LIGAND from outside to the center of a lipid using NAMD. To achieve this, I have utilized the colvar module ...
Abd-Elazeem Mohamed's user avatar
6 votes
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Should I use a different cut-off scheme for non-bonded interactions when simulating a system with MD in vacuum?

I am currently doing a simulation of the behaviour of various sizes of water droplets (~100-1000 water molecules) in vacuum. I am using NAMD with the spherical boundary conditions to keep the droplet ...
S R Maiti's user avatar
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8 votes
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How do I build and run a simulation of water molecules in NAMD?

So, I have started to learn NAMD because I need that for a project I will be doing in the next couple of months. I have some prior experience of MD with gromacs. I thought that since NAMD has a GUI ...
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