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Questions tagged [self-consistent-field]

For questions related to performing calculation using the self consistent field (SCF) algorithm, for example Hartree-Fock and Kohn-Sham Density Functional Theory.

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Handling multiple self-consistent solutions with DFT+U

It is well-established that within the DFT+U framework, one can achieve several self-consistent solutions with greatly varying energies for the same exact magnetic ordering. In 2010, Meredig et al. ...
Andrew Rosen's user avatar
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May I change the ICntrl variable in Gaussian 16?

Ive been trying to do energy calculations under the influence of a perturbative field with the BLYP and B3LYP functionals. Using the following input files: BLYP: ...
Atom's user avatar
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Discrepancy between Force Convergence in Geometrical Optimization and SCF Calculation in VASP: Reasons and Troubleshooting Suggestions

During a geometrical optimization of ions and lattice parameters in VASP, the forces acting on atoms were minimized to less than 0.01 eV/Å. However, when performing the subsequent self-consistent ...
Jaafar Mehrez's user avatar
2 votes
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static self-consistent calculations

How is the static self-consistent calculations different from standard self consistent field calculations? Please also explain this in context of other type of calculations e.g. single shot.
AbPhys's user avatar
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