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25 votes

What are the "smart algorithms" applied to solve the "curse of dimensionality"?

This is a very broad question, so I am going to give a very brief overview of typical exponentially-scaling problems. I am not an expert in most of these areas, so any suggestions or improvements will ...
Godzilla's user avatar
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22 votes

What is the largest system that has been studied by the coupled cluster method?

ORCA The local pair-natural orbital (DLPNO) based coupled cluster method have been managed to investigate large organic molecule and small proteins (linear C150H302 (452 atoms, >8800 basis ...
Paulie Bao's user avatar
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20 votes

How to determine, a priori, whether a compound has multireference character?

This is not going to be a full answer, but maybe a starting point, a pointer to somewhat troubled systems. The general keyword here is degeneracy. Whenever you have fewer electrons than fit in the ...
Martin - マーチン's user avatar
20 votes

Total spin and/or multiplicity for transition metal ions?

Even for the simplest transition metal diatomic molecules, the most reliable way to know the ground-state spin configuration is often by doing experiments. I will give an example where it's easy to ...
Nike Dattani - No Free Time's user avatar
19 votes

How can quantum computing accelerate materials modeling?

Quantum computers provide the possibility of simulating systems that are so mathematically complex that classical computers cannot practically be used. The difficulty comes from the fact that the ...
Peter Morgan's user avatar
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19 votes

Why is my hydrogen energy not equal to -0.5 hartrees?

Yes, the exact orbital energy of the hydrogen atom is $-1/2\ E_h$. The problems in the calculation are as follows. First, you are running ROKS. ROKS has many definitions in the literature; PySCF ...
Susi Lehtola's user avatar
18 votes

How to incorporate the effect of spin-orbit coupling in electronic structure calculation

The inclusion of spin-orbit coupling in electronic structure calculations is done by including the interaction between the electron-spin and the orbital angular momentum in the Hamiltonian. Such ...
Meilani Wibowo's user avatar
18 votes

When should geometry relaxation not be performed?

Geometry optimization corresponds to a system in equilibrium. It is the "average" position of a molecule vibrating in a well. However, there are many cases where the system is "non-equilibrium" ...
Cody Aldaz's user avatar
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17 votes

How to calculate energy of a molecule in an aligned electric field?

Aligning a molecule to a particular frame of reference (e.g., with the z-axis along a particular bond) is part of Avogadro for this reason: In Avogadro 1.x, there's an align tool You click one atom ...
Geoff Hutchison's user avatar
16 votes

How to identify a semi-metal from the band structure?

A rigorous definition of a semimetal can for example be found in the mathematical literature (e.g. this paper: arXiv:2002.01990v1 [math-ph], pdf version, assumption 2.5). The basic idea is that the ...
Michael F. Herbst's user avatar
16 votes

How to incorporate the effect of spin-orbit coupling in electronic structure calculation

Basically there are two kinds of approaches which may be found in many text books, L-S coupling and j-j coupling. L-S coupling means that scalar electronic states (e.g. atomic L-S states and linear ...
Zork's user avatar
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15 votes

How to overcome the exponential wall encountered in full configurational interaction methods?

It is hard to claim that any FCI code overcomes the exponential wall, especially for strongly correlated systems. There are many algorithms, e.g. CDFCI, HCI, FCIQMC, ACI, etc., which significantly ...
Yingzhou Li's user avatar
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15 votes

How to determine, a priori, whether a compound has multireference character?

As Martin has said a practical way to decide if a molecule requires multi-reference treatment is to calculate the unrestricted Hartree Fock natural orbitals.[1] Significant fractional occupancy of a ...
Cody Aldaz's user avatar
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15 votes

Why does orbital-free DFT scale linearly with system size?

There is linear scaling DFT, where you use density matrix as your object throughout SCF iterations instead of the wavefunctions. The linear scaling comes from the sparsity assumption/truncation on the ...
Yingzhou Li's user avatar
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15 votes

When do relativistic effects need to be explicitly included?

When to include relativistic corrections or modeling of any kind in computational methods is a rather complex one. Full Dirac methods as you asked about (DHF) recapture two important factors, so ...
Raz Jugovic's user avatar
15 votes

How can quantum computing accelerate materials modeling?

Quantum computing has been extensively discussed as long as the first quantum computers have become a reality. As already pointed out, we are still at very early stages of such development. What we ...
Anibal Bezerra's user avatar
15 votes

Gaussian-type orbitals vs Slater-type orbitals in terms of computational efficiency

Your supervisor is correct that in almost all practical cases in quantum chemistry, the cost savings of using Gaussian-type orbitals far outweigh the disadvantages of needing more orbitals. First of ...
Nike Dattani - No Free Time's user avatar
14 votes

How is group theory used to deduce which of these integrals are equal to 0?

The question is too broad to be answered directly so I will provide a somewhat general scheme. Basically in an integral like $$ \int d\mu A B C $$ one would seek to expand each part in irreducible ...
ZeroTheHero's user avatar
14 votes

Do bonds between the atoms influence ab-initio energies?

The bonds you draw or see in Gaussview should have no effect on the calculation (besides some minor effects in choosing internal coordinates for a geometry optimization). As you note, a bond is a ...
Tyberius's user avatar
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14 votes

pyscf: Why should the choice of pseudopotential determine the total energy, and not the physics?

The energy of a system, be it a molecule or a material, is dependent on the energy reference (or energy zero point) you choose. Common energy references are: The state where all electrons (except for ...
wzkchem5's user avatar
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13 votes

How can quantum computing accelerate materials modeling?

Quantum computers potentially could provide a far more efficient way to solve the electronic structure problem: finding the ground state energy (or other properties) of electrons in a compound. The ...
Max Radin's user avatar
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13 votes

Methods for visualising aromaticity

Multiwfn The software Multiwfn can calculated four aromaticity indices, namely FLU, FLU-pi, PDI and information-theoretic index. Multiwfn can perform wavefunction analyses based on outputted file of ...
Camps's user avatar
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13 votes

Derivation of Slater-Koster equations

Spherical harmonics are not themselves full atomic orbitals. Consider the Hydrogen wave function, which separates into a radial part and an angular part. The latter is a spherical harmonic, but the ...
Anyon's user avatar
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13 votes

Increasing k-point grid to take DOS calculation

This depends a lot on how the DOS is calculated. I don't know the options one has for this when using VASP or SIESTA, but I am aware of different approaches. The central problem is that you don't know ...
Gregor Michalicek's user avatar
13 votes

FCI without Hartree-Fock

Yes, you can surely do full CI without Hartree-Fock. However, the reason why one typically starts from Hartree-Fock is that this guarantees a good conditioning of the FCI matrix, which becomes ...
Susi Lehtola's user avatar
12 votes

Is Heisenberg model or in its simplier form Ising model a good approximation to study magnetic systems?

Introduction Your question reminds me of a quote by Paul Dirac, The underlying physical laws necessary for the mathematical theory of a large part of physics and the whole of chemistry are thus ...
Anyon's user avatar
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12 votes

What approaches are employed to treat amorphous materials?

Creating amorphous structures is non-trivial and always rather expensive. Generally you are using large supercells such that you can achieve mid-range disorder. That means, since the cell is still ...
Fuzzy's user avatar
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12 votes

What are the "smart algorithms" applied to solve the "curse of dimensionality"?

The curse of dimensionality is indeed a huge problem in quantum chemistry, since the possible ways N electrons can occupy K orbitals is a binning problem whose computational cost grows factorially (...
Susi Lehtola's user avatar
12 votes

What is the mathematical condition that ensure that the self-consistent field (SCF) procedure must converge?

This question is a bit ill-defined: what do you mean by "the self-consistent field procedure"? If you mean the original Roothaan procedure, then the question makes sense, but it is uninteresting: ...
Susi Lehtola's user avatar
12 votes

Properties that can be deduced from Band structure and DOS

Some of the properties we can get from the band structure are: Band gap: energy between the bottom of the conduction band (CB) and the top of the valence band (VB). The gap will give you if the ...
Camps's user avatar
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