8 votes

How to define a nonconventional geometry to obtain exchange spring hysteresis loop structure using MuMax3?

I'll try to give you an answer and a way to proceed However, our experimental system is quite different from the conventional soft-hard structure. This system will also be a bilayer system like the ...
Anoop A Nair's user avatar
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6 votes

How to visualize MuMax3 shapes?

I have found a site with a web-app interface called MuMax-view. But inorder to view the geometries, the initial shape should be created, set as the geometry and saved. Running that file results in a ...
3 votes

How to visualize MuMax3 shapes?

The web-app interface (Mumax-View) mentioned in the previous answer is fine. However, you could try to use "Muview" locally on your computer. You could find the software here. This is a very ...
Arindam Samanta's user avatar
2 votes

Define a geometry region using 'for' loop in MuMax3

I have not used MuMax3 before, so I may be missing something, but I think you are overcomplicating things by trying to use a nested loop. It looks like you define a region in one loop and then ...
Tyberius's user avatar
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