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Unanswered Questions

231 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
9 votes
0 answers

How to go from zero to hero in Machine Learning for materials modelling

I am interested in exploring the use of machine learning tools to accelerate molecular dynamics simulation probably by training machine learning potentials. While I have found some papers that apply ...
9 votes
0 answers

Different Results obtained while doing multiple runs from same inputs in VASP

I have been trying to optimize the parallelization parameters in VASP. By varying the parameters(such as KPAR and NCORE) I am trying to reduce the Elapsed time that is printed at the end of each line. ...
9 votes
0 answers

DIY molecular dynamics for Xenes on crystal surfaces; where can I get applicable open-source force field parameters that I can use in my scripts?

The linked question(s) below describes a DIY project to simulate how Xenes (honeycomb nets of atoms like graphehe) behave on single crystal surfaces. Behaviors include rotation, strain, and heigh ...
8 votes
0 answers

Contribution in action from collisions for a gas?

So if I write the action for a gas: $$ S = \int (T -U) dt \tag{1}$$ where $T$ is the kinetic energy and $U$ is potential energy. I suspect there is a constant term (which does not affect the equations ...
8 votes
0 answers

How to calculate small and wide-angle X-ray scattering spectra for the hydration shell restricted by a distance radius criteria

My main aim is to extract the SWAXS spectra for the hydration shell surrounding a solvated molecule and I am unfamiliar with the idea of excluded solvent volume. I tried looking online but many ...
7 votes
0 answers

Correct method for structure optimization using DFT tools

Lets's say I want to start off DFT calculations for a material whose experimental cell constants are known. So I have two ways to get the correct structure to later on calculate, say, band structure ...
7 votes
0 answers

Question about Constructing Supercell Layers for MD Simulations for Solid-Solid Phase Transitions

I am a newcomer to MD simulations, so my questions may be at a basic level, but I appreciate your understanding. I would like to simulate solid-solid phase transitions using MD simulations. To begin ...
7 votes
0 answers

Is there a way to set the spin multiplicity in a VASP calculation?

I will greatly appreciate if someone can point to whether I can specify the spin multiplicity of a vasp calculation? I am trying to get the potential energy mapping of a system with neutral slab and a ...
7 votes
0 answers

Apparent conservation of potential energy in NPT simulation?

I was examining a system with a problematic equilibration (more details given at the end, but probably unnecessary to answer the question), and came upon what is presumably a pretty basic conceptual ...
7 votes
0 answers

How to analyse structure factors calculated from a mixture of isotropic amorphous substrates

I am looking for a way to computationally analyse the interactions between two molecular species (as solute and solvent) in an isotropic mixture using X-ray scattering. Is there a guideline as to how ...
6 votes
0 answers

Spin-orbit coupling(SOC) in geometry optimisation

When I tried including SOC during the optimization of InBi lattice constants, the lattice constant increased from 4.6 Å (without SOC) to more than 6 Å (with SOC), which seems like an 'incorrect' ...
6 votes
0 answers

Free energy calculation as a function of temperature over phase transition

I've run a molecular dynamics simulation (NVT) of a simple Lennard-Jones system of a few particles and I'm trying to calculate the Helmholtz free energy $\Delta F$ as a function of temperature over ...
6 votes
0 answers

How can we calculate transverse and longitudinal optical phonon frequencies

Could you please help me to calculate the "transverse and longitudinal optical phonon frequencies" from phonopy+vasp output files? These parameters will help me to calculate the high-...
6 votes
0 answers

Regarding use of GCMC to add water molecules

I am working on a goethite system, and wish to fill the unit cell with water molecules for AIMD simulation using quantum espresso. For this, some papers[1],[2] indicated the use of Grand Canonical ...
6 votes
0 answers

DFT+U for RPA Ground State

For RPA calculations in VASP, a four step process can be utilized where the first step is to compute the occupied orbitals at either the GGA or hybrid GGA level. I am curious with materials that are ...

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