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Unanswered Questions

40 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
3 votes
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How to model NiTe2 (011) plane using ASE

I have modeled the (011) plane of NiTe2 using ASE by cutting through bulk ,by the code given below ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to choose the correct ibrav value and Identifying the 3-fold Axis

I'm trying to perform relaxation calculations for FeTiO3 with the ilmenite structure in Quantum Espresso. The documentation mentions two possible ibrav values for triagonal systems: 5 and -5. However, ...
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0 answers

Atomic basin partitioning with electron density grid

I am performing Hirshfeld Atom Refinement (HAR) calculations with XRD data using aspheric atomic scattering factors, which are calculated from wavefunctions optimized in Orca. My crystal structure has ...
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0 answers

How to model and compute the structure of high entropy alloys (HEAs) using SSOS methods with ATAT

I've recently been working on structural modeling of HEAs and got a little confused when I read about the SSOS approach. I would appreciate it if anyone is familiar with the SSOS method or MCSQS and ...
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0 answers

Miller indices and periodic boundary conditions

I want to implement building the Miller indeces in my program Chemcaft. Currently I need to understand more the computations with periodic boundary conditions (PBC) needed for crystallographers. The ...
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0 answers

What is convention of predefined coordination system for defining elastic constant of a specific material

I try to find the elastic constants of LiTaO3 from online databases. I did find a page that lists them As I know, the ...
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0 answers

Is it possible to find a cubic supercell for a non-cubic crystal structure?

Suppose that we have a crystal material with a non-cubic unit cell. E.g. $\alpha \neq \beta \neq \gamma \neq 90^{\circ}$. Is it possible to find a supercell such that $\alpha = \beta = \gamma = 90^{\...
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0 answers

Is it a good idea to always read charge and orbitals if I am working on similar systems?

For example, if I am investigating of the elastic properties of a crystal by doing a lot of computations of crystals applied with small strain. Also, is it a good idea to read charge and orbitals when ...
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0 answers

How to generate pole figures from limited amounts of area detector X-ray diffraction from thin films (explain it like I'm five years old)

Historically powder X-ray diffraction was the go-to method for reconstructing crystal structure. X-ray sources were limited in intensity and emittance and so to collect data in a reasonable amount of ...
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0 answers

Weighted average optical spectra in VASP

I am working on a 2D system where geometric and magnetic isomers are energetically very close to each other (orders of meV). I am interested in optical absorbance spectra using GW+BSE approach but I ...
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0 answers

How to transform the conventional cell to primitive cell, by hand?

I am following this tutorial to transform a conventional cell to a primitive cell, but I am not sure how to determine the primitive copy of some atom in the conventional cell. For example, in the ...
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0 answers

How to visualize the basis in the unit cell of crystals?

Usually, the unit-cell of a crystal is made up of lattice points and basis, but all the crystallography software like VESTA doesn't show the basis, is there any ...
2 votes
0 answers

Layer charge transfer and Interlayer coupling

I am studying TMD bilayers. I am interested in the interlayer coupling between them. I am applying an electric field to two different cases, one with an interlayer spacing (ILS) that is x times ...
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0 answers

Surface atoms concentration

I have a bulk crystal that contains 4 different elements. I want to cut the crystal in such a way that the atoms at the surface still obey the concentration of each atom in the bulk. At least close. ...
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0 answers

A problem to simulate the kinetic energy operator using some field going through a crystal

We know about a differentiation and integration operations and also other ones can be simulated by an analog way using electric circuits with operational amplifiers (here are articles of the ...

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