CCSD(T) works after an RHF calculation:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Nike Dattani, [email protected]
import pyscf
from pyscf import gto, scf, ao2mo, cc
mol = gto.Mole()
mol.atom = ''' O
H 1 0.9576257
H 1 0.9576257 2 104.51 '''
mol.unit = 'angstrom'
mol.basis = 'STO-3G'
mol.charge = 0
mol.spin = 0
mol.verbose = 9
mol.symmetry = True
mol.symmetry_subgroup = 'C2v'
name = 'out'
#mol.output = name+'.txt' # only worked up to end of SCF (CC output went to stdout)
## Hartree-Fock:
mf = mol.RHF().set(chkfile = name + '.chk')
## post-Hartree-Fock:
mcc = cc.CCSD(mf).set(frozen=1,verbose=9)
e = mcc.kernel()
et = mcc.ccsd_t() # works only when not reading FCIDUMP file.
I've included the last few lines here, but you can see a link to the full output file in the "Availability of files" section of this post. Notice the CCSD(T) energy at the end:
cycle = 7 E_corr(CCSD) = -0.0493362838011038 dE = -8.86095146e-08 norm(t1,t2) = 2.47391e-06
CPU time for CCSD iter 3.58 sec, wall time 0.06 sec
CPU time for CCSD 25.37 sec, wall time 0.46 sec
CCSD converged
E(CCSD) = -75.01232875135784 E_corr = -0.0493362838011038
CPU time for CCSD integral transformation 4.66 sec, wall time 0.08 sec
irreps of each MO [0 3 0 2 0 3]
_sort_eri max_memory 3528.17 blksize 2
CPU time for transpose 0:2 0.69 sec, wall time 0.01 sec
CPU time for CCSD(T) sort_eri 1.39 sec, wall time 0.03 sec
max_memory 3920 MB (79 MB in use)
CPU time for contract 0:2,0:2 0.14 sec, wall time 0.00 sec
CPU time for CCSD(T) 1.79 sec, wall time 0.04 sec
CCSD(T) correction = -6.75066430370798e-05
CCSD works, but not (T) when using FCIDUMP:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Nike Dattani, [email protected]
import pyscf
from pyscf import gto, scf, ao2mo, cc
mol = gto.Mole()
mol.atom = ''' O
H 1 0.9576257
H 1 0.9576257 2 104.51 '''
mol.unit = 'angstrom'
mol.basis = 'STO-3G'
mol.charge = 0
mol.spin = 0
mol.verbose = 9
mol.symmetry = True
mol.symmetry_subgroup = 'C2v'
name = 'out'
#mol.output = name+'.txt' # only worked up to end of SCF (CC output went to stdout)
## Hartree-Fock:
mf = mol.RHF().set(chkfile = name + '.chk')
mf.kernel()'.fcidump',name+'.chk', tol=1e-18, float_format=' %.16g', molpro_orbsym=False, orbsym=None)
mf ='.fcidump', molpro_orbsym=False, mf=None)
## post-Hartree-Fock:
mcc = cc.CCSD(mf).set(frozen=1,verbose=9)
e = mcc.kernel()
et = mcc.ccsd_t() # works only when not reading FCIDUMP file.
Notice that the CCSD energy is -75.012328751
which agrees with the above case (when no FCIDUMP file was used) in all digits shown:
#INFO: **** input file is /home/nike/QCBugs/Issue022/ ****
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Nike Dattani, [email protected]
import pyscf
from pyscf import gto, scf, ao2mo, cc
mol = gto.Mole()
mol.atom = ''' O
H 1 0.9576257
H 1 0.9576257 2 104.51 '''
mol.unit = 'angstrom'
mol.basis = 'STO-3G'
mol.charge = 0
mol.spin = 0
mol.verbose = 9
mol.symmetry = True
mol.symmetry_subgroup = 'C2v'
name = 'out'
#mol.output = name+'.txt' # only worked up to end of SCF (CC output went to stdout)
## Hartree-Fock:
mf = mol.RHF().set(chkfile = name + '.chk')
mf.kernel()'.fcidump',name+'.chk', tol=1e-18, float_format=' %.16g', molpro_orbsym=False, orbsym=None)
mf ='.fcidump', molpro_orbsym=False, mf=None)
## post-Hartree-Fock:
mcc = cc.CCSD(mf).set(frozen=1,verbose=9)
e = mcc.kernel()
et = mcc.ccsd_t() # works only when not reading FCIDUMP file.
#INFO: ******************** input file end ********************
System: uname_result(system='Linux', node='', release='3.10.0-1160.80.1.el7.x86_64', version='#1 SMP Tue Nov 8 15:48:59 UTC 2022', machine='x86_64', processor='') Threads 64
Python 3.8.10 (default, Jun 16 2021, 14:20:20)
[GCC 9.3.0]
numpy 1.23.0 scipy 1.9.3
Date: Sat Jan 21 14:55:08 2023
PySCF version 2.1.1
PySCF path /home/nike/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyscf
[CONFIG] UNIT = angstrom
[CONFIG] conf_file = None
[INPUT] verbose = 9
[INPUT] max_memory = 4000
[INPUT] num. atoms = 3
[INPUT] num. electrons = 10
[INPUT] charge = 0
[INPUT] spin (= nelec alpha-beta = 2S) = 0
[INPUT] symmetry True subgroup C2v
[INPUT] Mole.unit = angstrom
[INPUT] Symbol X Y Z unit X Y Z unit Magmom
[INPUT] 1 O 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 AA 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 Bohr 0.0
[INPUT] 2 H 0.957625700000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 AA 1.809650302845 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 Bohr 0.0
[INPUT] 3 H -0.239932136496 0.000000000000 0.927081199883 AA -0.453406026459 0.000000000000 1.751929563013 Bohr 0.0
[INPUT] ---------------- BASIS SET ----------------
[INPUT] l, kappa, [nprim/nctr], expnt, c_1 c_2 ...
[INPUT] 0 0 [3 /1 ] 130.70932 0.15432897
23.808861 0.53532814
6.4436083 0.44463454
[INPUT] 0 0 [3 /1 ] 5.0331513 -0.09996723
1.1695961 0.39951283
0.380389 0.70011547
[INPUT] 1 0 [3 /1 ] 5.0331513 0.15591627
1.1695961 0.60768372
0.380389 0.39195739
[INPUT] 0 0 [3 /1 ] 3.42525091 0.15432897
0.62391373 0.53532814
0.1688554 0.44463454
nuclear repulsion = 9.19090095527734
point group symmetry = C2v
symmetry origin: [0.13562443 0. 0.17519296]
symmetry axis x: [-0. -1. -0.]
symmetry axis y: [ 0.790743 0. -0.61214828]
symmetry axis z: [0.61214828 0. 0.790743 ]
num. orbitals of irrep A1 = 4
num. orbitals of irrep B1 = 1
num. orbitals of irrep B2 = 2
number of shells = 5
number of NR pGTOs = 21
number of NR cGTOs = 7
basis = STO-3G
ecp = {}
bas 0, expnt(s) = [130.70932 23.808861 6.4436083]
bas 1, expnt(s) = [5.0331513 1.1695961 0.380389 ]
bas 2, expnt(s) = [5.0331513 1.1695961 0.380389 ]
bas 3, expnt(s) = [3.42525091 0.62391373 0.1688554 ]
bas 4, expnt(s) = [3.42525091 0.62391373 0.1688554 ]
CPU time: 0.61
arg.atm = [[ 8 20 1 23 0 0]
[ 1 24 1 27 0 0]
[ 1 28 1 31 0 0]]
arg.bas = [[ 0 0 3 1 0 32 35 0]
[ 0 0 3 1 0 38 41 0]
[ 0 1 3 1 0 44 47 0]
[ 1 0 3 1 0 50 53 0]
[ 2 0 3 1 0 50 53 0]]
arg.env = [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
0. 0. 0. 0. 1.8096503
0. 0. 0. -0.45340603 0.
1.75192956 0. 130.70932 23.808861 6.4436083
15.07274649 14.57770167 4.54323359 5.0331513 1.1695961
0.380389 -0.848697 1.13520079 0.85675304 5.0331513
1.1695961 0.380389 3.42906571 2.15628856 0.34159239
3.42525091 0.62391373 0.1688554 0.98170675 0.94946401
ecpbas = []
******** <class 'pyscf.scf.hf_symm.SymAdaptedRHF'> ********
method = SymAdaptedRHF-RHF
initial guess = minao
damping factor = 0
level_shift factor = 0
DIIS = <class 'pyscf.scf.diis.CDIIS'>
diis_start_cycle = 1
diis_space = 8
SCF conv_tol = 1e-09
SCF conv_tol_grad = None
SCF max_cycles = 50
direct_scf = True
direct_scf_tol = 1e-13
chkfile to save SCF result = out.chk
max_memory 4000 MB (current use 73 MB)
Freeze 0 electrons in irreps []
10 free electrons in irreps A1 B1 B2
Set gradient conv threshold to 3.16228e-05
Nelec from initial guess = 9.86091385128042
E1 = -120.44790124439959 E_coul = 36.420426001819735
init E= -74.8365742873025
cond(S) = 5.636127957820105
CPU time for initialize scf 3.84 sec, wall time 0.11 sec
HOMO (B1) = -0.393165985098286 LUMO (A1) = 0.426534016701304
irrep_nelec = [6, 2, 2]
A1 nocc = 3 HOMO = -0.529231880970381 LUMO = 0.426534016701304
mo_energy = [-20.58868486 -1.58169821 -0.52923188 0.42653402]
B1 nocc = 1 HOMO = -0.393165985098286
mo_energy = [-0.39316599]
B2 nocc = 1 HOMO = -0.70700906241869 LUMO = 0.535461984106062
mo_energy = [-0.70700906 0.53546198]
E1 = -123.52134582056792 E_coul = 39.41763506881344
cycle= 1 E= -74.9128097964771 delta_E= -0.0762 |g|= 0.37 |ddm|= 1.69
CPU time for cycle= 1 1.52 sec, wall time 0.03 sec
diis-c [-0.15723468 1. ]
HOMO (B1) = -0.267738785133512 LUMO (A1) = 0.644179976979969
irrep_nelec = [6, 2, 2]
A1 nocc = 3 HOMO = -0.352143944372835 LUMO = 0.644179976979969
mo_energy = [-19.99464164 -1.18585095 -0.35214394 0.64417998]
B1 nocc = 1 HOMO = -0.267738785133512
mo_energy = [-0.26773879]
B2 nocc = 1 HOMO = -0.568463618483647 LUMO = 0.78199967411182
mo_energy = [-0.56846362 0.78199967]
E1 = -122.28168196574782 E_coul = 38.128317769163004
cycle= 2 E= -74.9624632413075 delta_E= -0.0497 |g|= 0.0425 |ddm|= 0.56
CPU time for cycle= 2 1.37 sec, wall time 0.03 sec
diis-c [-0.00136375 0.07217221 0.92782779]
HOMO (B1) = -0.389540380152414 LUMO (A1) = 0.605437533093365
irrep_nelec = [6, 2, 2]
A1 nocc = 3 HOMO = -0.45142028023944 LUMO = 0.605437533093365
mo_energy = [-20.23992255 -1.26623695 -0.45142028 0.60543753]
B1 nocc = 1 HOMO = -0.389540380152414
mo_energy = [-0.38954038]
B2 nocc = 1 HOMO = -0.619149296689157 LUMO = 0.740674985160102
mo_energy = [-0.6191493 0.74067499]
E1 = -122.36417637689611 E_coul = 38.21031049049565
cycle= 3 E= -74.9629649311231 delta_E= -0.000502 |g|= 0.00858 |ddm|= 0.0428
CPU time for cycle= 3 1.40 sec, wall time 0.03 sec
diis-c [-1.16690863e-07 -2.14458345e-02 -3.04583446e-01 1.32602928e+00]
HOMO (B1) = -0.39123899548012 LUMO (A1) = 0.605339731487355
irrep_nelec = [6, 2, 2]
A1 nocc = 3 HOMO = -0.453040362493816 LUMO = 0.605339731487355
mo_energy = [-20.24189604 -1.26825133 -0.45304036 0.60533973]
B1 nocc = 1 HOMO = -0.39123899548012
mo_energy = [-0.391239]
B2 nocc = 1 HOMO = -0.617822333820714 LUMO = 0.742000301689417
mo_energy = [-0.61782233 0.7420003 ]
E1 = -122.36388789989842 E_coul = 38.209994478823994
cycle= 4 E= -74.9629924657971 delta_E= -2.75e-05 |g|= 6.36e-05 |ddm|= 0.0153
CPU time for cycle= 4 1.44 sec, wall time 0.03 sec
diis-c [-1.26810441e-09 1.44163187e-03 1.86026098e-02 -8.35947904e-02
HOMO (B1) = -0.391219211832674 LUMO (A1) = 0.605260710774646
irrep_nelec = [6, 2, 2]
A1 nocc = 3 HOMO = -0.452963884631979 LUMO = 0.605260710774646
mo_energy = [-20.24179211 -1.26819569 -0.45296388 0.60526071]
B1 nocc = 1 HOMO = -0.391219211832674
mo_energy = [-0.39121921]
B2 nocc = 1 HOMO = -0.617681162161389 LUMO = 0.741859345734213
mo_energy = [-0.61768116 0.74185935]
E1 = -122.36402357493989 E_coul = 38.210130152276335
cycle= 5 E= -74.9629924673862 delta_E= -1.59e-09 |g|= 1.47e-05 |ddm|= 0.000101
CPU time for cycle= 5 1.48 sec, wall time 0.03 sec
diis-c [-6.89862228e-11 3.78913368e-04 5.83088134e-03 -2.43547175e-02
-2.27714492e-01 1.24585941e+00]
HOMO (B1) = -0.391222285213995 LUMO (A1) = 0.605265319359792
irrep_nelec = [6, 2, 2]
A1 nocc = 3 HOMO = -0.452965937366619 LUMO = 0.605265319359792
mo_energy = [-20.2417999 -1.26820027 -0.45296594 0.60526532]
B1 nocc = 1 HOMO = -0.391222285213995
mo_energy = [-0.39122229]
B2 nocc = 1 HOMO = -0.617689752981301 LUMO = 0.741862533680629
mo_energy = [-0.61768975 0.74186253]
E1 = -122.36401253996894 E_coul = 38.21011911714349
cycle= 6 E= -74.9629924675481 delta_E= -1.62e-10 |g|= 3.68e-06 |ddm|= 4.23e-05
CPU time for cycle= 6 1.48 sec, wall time 0.03 sec
HOMO (B1) = -0.391223261310395 LUMO (A1) = 0.605266801274786
irrep_nelec = [6, 2, 2]
A1 nocc = 3 HOMO = -0.452967068734555 LUMO = 0.605266801274786
mo_energy = [-20.24180249 -1.26820185 -0.45296707 0.6052668 ]
B1 nocc = 1 HOMO = -0.391223261310395
mo_energy = [-0.39122326]
B2 nocc = 1 HOMO = -0.617692480658258 LUMO = 0.741864183562906
mo_energy = [-0.61769248 0.74186418]
E1 = -122.36400935331618 E_coul = 38.210115930482104
Extra cycle E= -74.9629924675567 delta_E= -8.63e-12 |g|= 1.59e-06 |ddm|= 8.18e-06
CPU time for scf_cycle 14.05 sec, wall time 0.32 sec
CPU time for SCF 14.06 sec, wall time 0.32 sec
converged SCF energy = -74.9629924675567
irreps of each MO [0 0 3 0 2 0 3]
Parsing out.fcidump
converged SCF energy = -74.9629924675587
******** <class ''> ********
CC2 = 0
CCSD nocc = 4, nmo = 6
frozen orbitals 1
max_cycle = 50
direct = 0
conv_tol = 1e-07
conv_tol_normt = 1e-05
diis_space = 6
diis_start_cycle = 0
diis_start_energy_diff = 1e+09
max_memory 4000 MB (current use 81 MB)
total FLOPs 19520.0
CPU time for CCSD integral transformation 3.97 sec, wall time 0.07 sec
Init t2, MP2 energy = -74.998421719993 E_corr(MP2) -0.0354292524343585
CPU time for init mp2 0.02 sec, wall time 0.00 sec
Init E_corr(CCSD) = -0.0354292524343585
CPU time for vvvv [0:1] 0.56 sec, wall time 0.01 sec
CPU time for vvvv [1:2] 1.50 sec, wall time 0.03 sec
CPU time for vvvv 2.10 sec, wall time 0.04 sec
max_memory 3918 MB, nocc,nvir = 4,2 blksize = 2
CPU time for vovv [0:2] 0.49 sec, wall time 0.01 sec
CPU time for ovvv 0.73 sec, wall time 0.01 sec
max_memory 3918 MB, nocc,nvir = 4,2 blksize = 2
CPU time for voov [0:2] 0.14 sec, wall time 0.00 sec
CPU time for update t1 t2 2.97 sec, wall time 0.06 sec
DIIS for step 0
cycle = 1 E_corr(CCSD) = -0.0447960700300642 dE = -0.0093668176 norm(t1,t2) = 0.0288404
CPU time for CCSD iter 3.87 sec, wall time 0.07 sec
CPU time for vvvv [0:1] 0.58 sec, wall time 0.01 sec
CPU time for vvvv [1:2] 1.47 sec, wall time 0.03 sec
CPU time for vvvv 2.09 sec, wall time 0.04 sec
max_memory 3918 MB, nocc,nvir = 4,2 blksize = 2
CPU time for vovv [0:2] 0.48 sec, wall time 0.01 sec
CPU time for ovvv 0.73 sec, wall time 0.01 sec
max_memory 3918 MB, nocc,nvir = 4,2 blksize = 2
CPU time for voov [0:2] 0.13 sec, wall time 0.00 sec
CPU time for update t1 t2 2.94 sec, wall time 0.06 sec
diis-c [-1.08058489e-04 1.00000000e+00]
DIIS for step 1
cycle = 2 E_corr(CCSD) = -0.0476847828331966 dE = -0.0028887128 norm(t1,t2) = 0.0103951
CPU time for CCSD iter 3.84 sec, wall time 0.07 sec
CPU time for vvvv [0:1] 0.59 sec, wall time 0.01 sec
CPU time for vvvv [1:2] 1.49 sec, wall time 0.03 sec
CPU time for vvvv 2.12 sec, wall time 0.04 sec
max_memory 3918 MB, nocc,nvir = 4,2 blksize = 2
CPU time for vovv [0:2] 0.59 sec, wall time 0.01 sec
CPU time for ovvv 0.73 sec, wall time 0.01 sec
max_memory 3918 MB, nocc,nvir = 4,2 blksize = 2
CPU time for voov [0:2] 0.13 sec, wall time 0.00 sec
CPU time for update t1 t2 2.98 sec, wall time 0.05 sec
diis-c [-1.86787238e-06 -6.34417047e-01 1.63441705e+00]
DIIS for step 2
cycle = 3 E_corr(CCSD) = -0.0493281778291895 dE = -0.001643395 norm(t1,t2) = 0.004227
CPU time for CCSD iter 3.87 sec, wall time 0.07 sec
CPU time for vvvv [0:1] 0.60 sec, wall time 0.01 sec
CPU time for vvvv [1:2] 1.61 sec, wall time 0.03 sec
CPU time for vvvv 2.23 sec, wall time 0.04 sec
max_memory 3918 MB, nocc,nvir = 4,2 blksize = 2
CPU time for vovv [0:2] 0.39 sec, wall time 0.01 sec
CPU time for ovvv 0.61 sec, wall time 0.01 sec
max_memory 3918 MB, nocc,nvir = 4,2 blksize = 2
CPU time for voov [0:2] 0.13 sec, wall time 0.00 sec
CPU time for update t1 t2 2.96 sec, wall time 0.05 sec
diis-c [-7.50388430e-08 4.30384287e-01 -1.16894742e+00 1.73856314e+00]
DIIS for step 3
cycle = 4 E_corr(CCSD) = -0.0493382688445465 dE = -1.00910154e-05 norm(t1,t2) = 0.000646334
CPU time for CCSD iter 3.84 sec, wall time 0.07 sec
CPU time for vvvv [0:1] 0.61 sec, wall time 0.01 sec
CPU time for vvvv [1:2] 1.49 sec, wall time 0.03 sec
CPU time for vvvv 2.13 sec, wall time 0.04 sec
max_memory 3918 MB, nocc,nvir = 4,2 blksize = 2
CPU time for vovv [0:2] 0.47 sec, wall time 0.01 sec
CPU time for ovvv 0.71 sec, wall time 0.01 sec
max_memory 3918 MB, nocc,nvir = 4,2 blksize = 2
CPU time for voov [0:2] 0.13 sec, wall time 0.00 sec
CPU time for update t1 t2 2.97 sec, wall time 0.05 sec
diis-c [-9.52646963e-10 -1.43883755e-01 3.99052284e-01 -6.72110757e-01
DIIS for step 4
cycle = 5 E_corr(CCSD) = -0.0493369549300818 dE = 1.31391446e-06 norm(t1,t2) = 9.16421e-05
CPU time for CCSD iter 3.88 sec, wall time 0.07 sec
CPU time for vvvv [0:1] 0.60 sec, wall time 0.01 sec
CPU time for vvvv [1:2] 1.51 sec, wall time 0.03 sec
CPU time for vvvv 2.14 sec, wall time 0.04 sec
max_memory 3918 MB, nocc,nvir = 4,2 blksize = 2
CPU time for vovv [0:2] 0.55 sec, wall time 0.01 sec
CPU time for ovvv 0.74 sec, wall time 0.01 sec
max_memory 3918 MB, nocc,nvir = 4,2 blksize = 2
CPU time for voov [0:2] 0.13 sec, wall time 0.00 sec
CPU time for update t1 t2 3.01 sec, wall time 0.05 sec
diis-c [-3.43384042e-11 3.55433625e-02 -9.83589196e-02 1.69088982e-01
-3.81924433e-01 1.27565101e+00]
DIIS for step 5
cycle = 6 E_corr(CCSD) = -0.0493361950942754 dE = 7.59835806e-07 norm(t1,t2) = 9.03218e-06
CPU time for CCSD iter 3.91 sec, wall time 0.07 sec
CPU time for vvvv [0:1] 0.59 sec, wall time 0.01 sec
CPU time for vvvv [1:2] 1.47 sec, wall time 0.03 sec
CPU time for vvvv 2.10 sec, wall time 0.04 sec
max_memory 3918 MB, nocc,nvir = 4,2 blksize = 2
CPU time for vovv [0:2] 0.47 sec, wall time 0.01 sec
CPU time for ovvv 0.71 sec, wall time 0.01 sec
max_memory 3918 MB, nocc,nvir = 4,2 blksize = 2
CPU time for voov [0:2] 0.13 sec, wall time 0.00 sec
CPU time for update t1 t2 2.94 sec, wall time 0.05 sec
diis-c [-9.65793511e-13 -7.08208773e-03 1.94817874e-02 -3.55306407e-02
8.95997177e-02 -5.61950607e-01 1.49548183e+00]
DIIS for step 6
cycle = 7 E_corr(CCSD) = -0.0493362837053574 dE = -8.8611082e-08 norm(t1,t2) = 2.4739e-06
CPU time for CCSD iter 3.82 sec, wall time 0.07 sec
CPU time for CCSD 27.04 sec, wall time 0.49 sec
CCSD converged
E(CCSD) = -75.01232875126405 E_corr = -0.04933628370535739
CPU time for CCSD integral transformation 3.84 sec, wall time 0.07 sec
Overwritten attributes get_ovlp get_hcore of <class 'pyscf.scf.hf_symm.SymAdaptedRHF'>
/home/nike/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyscf/gto/ UserWarning: Function mol.dumps drops attribute energy_nuc because it is not JSON-serializable
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 39, in <module>
et = mcc.ccsd_t() # works only when not reading FCIDUMP file.
File "/home/nike/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyscf/cc/", line 1129, in ccsd_t
return ccsd_t.kernel(self, eris, t1, t2, self.verbose)
File "/home/nike/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyscf/cc/", line 51, in kernel
orbsym = _sort_eri(mycc, eris, nocc, nvir, eris_vvop, log)
File "/home/nike/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyscf/cc/", line 140, in _sort_eri
orbsym = symm.addons.label_orb_symm(mol, mol.irrep_id, mol.symm_orb,
File "/home/nike/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyscf/symm/", line 70, in label_orb_symm
s_mo =, mo)
File "<__array_function__ internals>", line 180, in dot
ValueError: shapes (0,0) and (7,6) not aligned: 0 (dim 1) != 7 (dim 0)
Availability of files
All input and output files, including also the FCIDUMP and .chk
files which are not included above, are available both at QCBugs here, and at MMSE's Modeling Matters Git repository here. (In the future I may connect those two folders if this question gets answered).
The final lines of the traceback for the attempt at calculating the (T) correction to CCSD after reading the integrals from an FCIDUMP file are here (copied from the end of the above output):
File "/home/nike/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyscf/symm/", line 70, in label_orb_symm
s_mo =, mo)
File "<__array_function__ internals>", line 180, in dot
ValueError: shapes (0,0) and (7,6) not aligned: 0 (dim 1) != 7 (dim 0)
is the AO overlap matrix and the code seems to think this an entirely empty array. I'm speculating, but I think when reading the FCIDUMP, it doesn't need to/doesn't have enough info to generate the AO overlap matrix. so it leaves it blank and when it tries to forms_mo
it fails. It seems like this is a bug, as it should just be able to fallback to makings_mo
using mf.get_ovlp which would have been defined into_scf
. $\endgroup$FCIDUMP
should contain the integrals after the AO->MO transformation, and they should contain enough information to calculate the (T) correction to CCSD. It looks like it runss = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp')
which makes it become the overlap matrix which is empty. This all seems to be for some symmetry labeling of the orbitals that was not required for CCSD without (T). $\endgroup$