I am given a list of edges: [a, b, c] and dihedral angles: [alpha, beta, gamma]. Can we determine the lattice vector directions of this unit cell?
e.g Edge lengths: [5.25953209086, 6.08183093896, 6.17370692269]
angles: [119.50892382300002, 107.841528116, 89.9999968787]
I used cell = Cell.fromcellpar([5.25953209086, 6.08183093896, 6.17370692269, 119.50892382300002, 107.841528116, 89.9999968787])
. Such that it gave me the bravaise lattice as
> TRI(a=6.08183, b=5.25953, c=6.17371, alpha=107.842, beta=119.509,
> gamma=90)
How to find the directions of this unit cell? For example, if this unit cell has an atom positioned at pos_atom = [0.3, 2.3, 1.8]
then I may find the translated atom in the adjacent unit cell by travelling unit_cell length in some unit vector direction.