Here are the steps to validate your docking protocol (not your docking results):
(Note: this is one way to do the validation, not the only one)
- Download a crystal structure of a complex (ligand/substrate + protein) from Protein Data Bank server.
Note: It is recommended to use the same protein (not necessarily the same structure) you used in your docking.
- Do a re-docking using the ligand/protein you downloaded under the same conditions you did your docking.
- Use the ligand pose from the downloaded complex as your reference structure.
- Align the reference structure with all the poses you obtain in the re-docking (or at least, the best scored poses).
- Calculate the RMSD between the reference structure and the selected poses.
From the Panel you show:
- You can add all the re-docking poses to the Workspace or just select them in the project table. If added to the workspace, chose the Workspace option (if selecting the project table, the other option).
- Select the reference structure from the crystal structure you downloaded.
- Under RMSD option, select Compute without changing structures, to keep all the structures as they are (without changing their conformation). The other option will only add the RMSD to a column in the project table.
- Under the Choose method, select the one corresponding to the whole structures (all atoms).
To conclude that the docking protocol is reliable, the desired max(RMSD) should be below $2.0 \overset{\circ}{\mathrm{A}}$