Compared to say the DFT-D3 type of dispersion corrections (set with IVDW in VASP), I've found the nonlocal vdW-DF functionals (described here in the VASP Wiki) to be much more difficult to converge to similar levels of accuracy (which I guess should be expected given the nature of the vdW correction). My monolayer calculations with the optB88-vdW functional led to some geometry optimizations with several consecutive unconverged electronic optimization steps (even with NELM = 90
, i.e. 90 SCF steps), when starting from a converged structure from a database.
My first impression was that my use of EDIFF=1E-07
(VASP's electronic convergence parameter) and EDIFFG = -0.002
(VASP's geometry convergence parameter) was too fine, which seemed somewhat in line with what I thought was a rougher convergence criterion by 2DMatPedia (a 2D materials database which used the optB88-vdW functional and an ionic convergence criterion that the energy difference is below $10^{-4}$ eV for structure relaxations). However, the JARVIS database, which also contains 2D monolayers, seemed to be able to do calculations with optB88-vdW and (what I thought were) stricter convergence criteria:
"Both the internal atomic positions and the lattice constants are allowed to relax in spin-unrestricted calculations until the maximal residual Hellmann–Feynman forces on atoms are smaller than $0.001$ eV Å$^{−1}$ and energy-tolerance of $10^{-7}$ eV with accurate precision setting (PREC=Accurate)."
This leads me to my question.
Are the convergence difficulties I've faced with optB88-vdW expected (and so it is reasonable to relax my convergence criteria)? Or are there other things that I can tweak to achieve the tighter convergence criteria that would be important for later phonon and elastic constants calculations for example?
I have played around with just trying to converge static calculations tightly (EDIFF=1E-07
), by changing the electronic minimization algorithm to ALGO = Normal
(I usually use ALGO = Fast
), or playing around with IMIX
(density mixing). However, I could not find a convenient general setting for successful convergence all the time. Different combinations have helped me achieved convergence for the 4-6 different monolayers I've tested, but I had to 'babysit' each calculation.