At the moment I'm performing various convergence tests of a cation-solvent-anion complex in ASE using the GPAW calculator, and found strange results for energy vs. vacuum padding as shown in the figure below. I consider a parameter converged when ΔE < 1 meV/atom.
The isolated Na atom converges, but acetonitrile jumps "randomly", hexafluorophosphate shows an artifact pattern of some sort, and the complex looks like a combination of the three.
I have checked that the force criterion of the ionic loop is converged, and tried:
breaking up the complex
appling ExtraVacuumPoissonSolver (no difference in energy with or without)
simplifying the script. I don't do more then read and write, and: = args.fmax, steps=args.maxsteps) E_gas = mol.get_potential_energy()
For context, here is the convergence tests of the electronic loop criterion, the ionic loop criterion, and vacuum padding for four Na-solvent-hexafluorophosphate complexes (a nitrogen, sulphur, oxygen-, and fluorine-containing species (methyl 2-cyanoacetate, 1-ethenylsulfonylethane, 2,6-dimethoxycyclohexa-2,5-diene-1,4-dione, and 2-(2-ethoxyethoxy)-1,1-difluoroethane, respectively)).